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  1. Heritable variation in circulating glucocorticoids and endocrine flexibility in a free-living songbird
  2. Signaling stress? An analysis of phaeomelanin-based plumage color and individual corticosterone levels at two temporal scales in North American barn swallows, Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
  3. Female plumage colour influences seasonal oxidative damage and testosterone profiles in a songbird
  4. Stress responsiveness predicts individual variation in mate selectivity
  5. Sexual Signaling: Climatic Carry-Over
  6. Sexual selection: a dynamic state of affairs
  7. Island tameness: An altered cardiovascular stress response in Galápagos marine iguanas
  8. To breed or not to breed: Physiological correlates of reproductive status in a facultatively biennial iguanid
  9. Investment in mate choice depends on resource availability in female Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)
  10. Evolutionary Biology: Arms Races in the Eye of the Beholder
  11. Are hotshots always hot? A longitudinal study of hormones, behavior, and reproductive success in male marine iguanas
  12. Heterospecific alarm call recognition in a non-vocal reptile
  13. Galápagos: The Islands that Changed the World . By Paul D  Stewart ; Foreword by Richard Dawkins. London: BBC Books and New Haven (Connecticut): Yale University Press . $29.95 (paper). 240 p; ill.; index. ISBN: 0‐300‐12230‐6. 2007.
  14. The evolution of foraging behavior in the Galápagos marine iguana: natural and sexual selection on body size drives ecological, morphological, and behavioral specialization
  15. High Costs of Female Choice in a Lekking Lizard
  16. Caloric restriction for longevity: II—The systematic neglect of behavioural and psychological outcomes in animal research