All Stories

  1. Electromagnetic Design Study of a 12-mm-Period Bulk High-Temperature Superconducting Undulator
  2. Enhanced X-ray free-electron laser performance with optical klystron and helical undulators
  3. Pulse magnetized superconducting bulk array undulator concept
  4. Experimental characterization of the optical klystron effect to measure the intrinsic energy spread of high-brightness electron beams
  5. An X-ray free-electron laser with a highly configurable undulator and integrated chicanes for tailored pulse properties
  6. GdBCO bulk superconducting helical undulator for x-ray free-electron lasers
  7. Record field in a 10 mm-period bulk high-temperature superconducting undulator
  8. Versatile modulators for laser-based FEL seeding at SwissFEL
  9. Review and prospects of world-wide superconducting undulator development for synchrotrons and FELs
  10. Inverse analysis of critical current density in a bulk high-temperature superconducting undulator
  11. Undulators and Light Production with the XLS-CompactLight Design Study
  12. Demonstration of a compact x-ray free-electron laser using the optical klystron effect
  13. Fully-staggered-array bulk Re-Ba-Cu-O short-period undulator: large-scale 3D electromagnetic modelling and design optimization using A-V and H-formulation methods
  14. Magnetization Current Simulation of High-Temperature Bulk Superconductors Using the ANSYS Iterative Algorithm Method
  15. Analysis of the first magnetic results of the PSI APPLE X undulators in elliptical polarisation
  16. A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam
  17. Fast and efficient critical state modelling of field-cooled bulk high-temperature superconductors using a backward computation method
  18. Characterization of the Electron Beam in the ACHIP Chamber in SwissFEL
  19. Numerical Design Optimization of Short-Period HTS Staggered Array Undulators
  20. Calibration and Characterization of a Reduced Form-Factor High Accuracy Three-Axis Teslameter
  21. Magnetization simulation of ReBCO tape stack with a large number of layers using the ANSYS A-V-A formulation
  22. A GdBCO bulk staggered array undulator
  23. Performance Analysis of a Reduced Form-Factor High Accuracy Three-Axis Teslameter
  24. The SwissFEL soft X-ray free-electron laser beamline: Athos
  25. Development of a new magnetic measurement bench for in-vacuum undulators
  26. SwissFEL Aramis beamline photon diagnostics. Erratum
  27. Design and Development of a Reduced Form-Factor High Accuracy Three-Axis Teslameter
  28. The ACHIP experimental chambers at the Paul Scherrer Institut
  29. Magnetic assessment and modelling of the Aramis undulator beamline
  30. Outline of a dielectric laser acceleration experiment at SwissFEL
  31. SwissFEL: The Swiss X-ray Free Electron Laser
  32. Transverse gradient in Apple-type undulators
  33. Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
  34. Undulator beamline optimization with integrated chicanes for X-ray free-electron-laser facilities
  35. Generation of ultra-large-bandwidth X-ray free-electron-laser pulses with a transverse-gradient undulator
  36. Preliminary Magnetic Design of a Superconducting Dipole for Future Compact Scanning Gantries for Proton Therapy
  37. Undulators for the PSI Light Sources
  38. The Materials Science beamline upgrade at the Swiss Light Source
  39. Commissioning results of the U14 cryogenic undulator at SLS
  40. Operation experience of the UE44 fixed gap APPLE II at SLS
  41. Integrated analysis of quench propagation in a system of magnetically coupled superconducting coils
  42. X-Treme beamline at SLS: X-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroism at high field and low temperature
  43. Test Results of a 100 kA NbTi CICC
  44. Vibrating Wire Technique and Phase Lock Loop for Finding the Magnetic Axis of Quadrupoles
  45. Design Study of a 3.5 T Superconducting Sector Magnet in a 450 MeV/nucl Booster Cyclotron for Carbon Ion Therapy
  46. Quench Analysis of a High-Current Forced-Flow HTS Conductor Model for Fusion Magnets
  47. Helium flow and temperatures in a heated sample of a final ITER TF cable-in-conduit conductor
  48. Analysis of the EDIPO Temperature Margin During Current Ramp-Up
  49. Design Proposal for the ITER Feeder Busbars
  50. Interstrand Resistance and Contact Resistance Distribution on Terminations of ITER Short Samples
  51. A parametric AC loss model of the ITER coils for control optimization
  52. Helium Flow and Temperature Distribution in a Heated Dual-Channel CICC Sample for ITER
  53. Methods, Accuracy and Reliability of ITER Conductor Tests in SULTAN
  54. Preparatory Work to Host the EDIPO Test Facility at CRPP
  55. Stability Analysis of the LHC Cables for Transient Heat Depositions
  56. Winding Configurations Studies for the EFDA Dipole Test Facility EDIPO
  57. Simulation of the flow-reversal effect in dual-channel CICC for ITER
  58. Quench propagation and stability analysis of Rutherford resistive core cables
  59. Stability analysis of the LHC cables
  60. Analytical Model of Thermoelectrical Behavior in Superconducting Resistive Core Cables
  61. Focusing Strength Measurements of the Main Quadrupoles for the LHC
  62. Impact of the First Powering Cycles on the LHC Superconducting Dipole Coil Geometry
  63. On the Use of Wavelet Transform for Quench Precursors Characterization in the LHC Superconducting Dipole Magnets
  64. Steering the Field Quality in the Production of the Main Quadrupoles of the Large Hadron Collider
  65. Axis Measurements, Field Quality and Quench Performance of the First LHC Short Straight Sections
  66. Improved Quench Localization and Quench Propagation Velocity Measurements in the LHC Superconducting Dipole Magnets
  67. Fabrication and Performance of<tex>$hboxNb_3hboxSn$</tex>Rutherford-Type Cable With Cu Added as a Separate Component
  68. Statistical Analysis of Conductor Motion in LHC Superconducting Dipole Magnets
  69. Quench propagation and heating in the superconducting 600 A auxiliary busbars of the LHC
  70. Quench propagation in the superconducting 6 kA flexible busbars of the LHC