All Stories

  1. MR-guided focused ultrasound cerebellothalamic tractotomy for chronic therapy-resistant essential tremor: anatomical target reappraisal and clinical results
  2. MRgFUS Pallidothalamic Tractotomy for Chronic Therapy-Resistant Parkinson's Disease in 51 Consecutive Patients: Single Center Experience
  3. Radiological and Thermal Dose Correlations in Pallidothalamic Tractotomy With MRgFUS
  4. Anatomical and Technical Reappraisal of the Pallidothalamic Tractotomy With the Incisionless Transcranial MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound. A Technical Note
  5. Letter to the Editor. Magnetic resonance–guided focused ultrasound and essential tremor
  6. Safety and accuracy of incisionless transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound functional neurosurgery: single-center experience with 253 targets in 180 treatments
  7. Incisionless transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound in essential tremor: cerebellothalamic tractotomy
  8. The human insula: Architectonic organization and postmortem MRI registration
  9. The Insula of Reil Revisited: Multiarchitectonic Organization in Macaque Monkeys
  10. Human pallidothalamic and cerebellothalamic tracts: anatomical basis for functional stereotactic neurosurgery
  11. A revival of Spiegel's campotomy: long term results of the stereotactic pallidothalamic tractotomy against the parkinsonian thalamocortical dysrhythmia