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  1. Surface albedo retrieved from HELiPOD observations during the MOSAiC campaign: Measurement versus parameterization
  2. Preface: The international radiation symposium 2022 “Radiation processes in the atmosphere and Ocean”
  3. The representation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds and their radiative properties in ECMWF during ACLOUD
  4. A biased sampling approach to accelerate backward Monte Carlo atmospheric radiative transfer simulations and its application to Arctic heterogeneous cloud and surface conditions
  5. A comprehensive in situ and remote sensing data set from the Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD) campaign
  6. Reassessment of the common concept to derive the surface cloud radiative forcing in the Arctic: Consideration of surface albedo – cloud interactions
  7. The new BELUGA setup for collocated turbulence and radiation measurements using a tethered balloon: first applications in the cloudy Arctic boundary layer
  8. Validation of the sea ice surface albedo scheme of the regional climate model HIRHAM–NAOSIM using aircraft measurements during the ACLOUD/PASCAL campaigns
  9. A comprehensive in situ and remote sensing data set from the Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD) campaign
  10. Comparison of Aircraft Measurements during GoAmazon2014/5 and ACRIDICON-CHUVA
  11. Improvement of airborne retrievals of cloud droplet number concentration of trade wind cumulus using a synergetic approach
  12. The new BELUGA setup for collocated turbulence and radiation measurements using a tethered balloon: First applications in the cloudy Arctic boundary layer
  13. Cloud geometry from oxygen-A-band observations through an aircraft side window
  14. Effects of the shape distribution of aerosol particles on their volumetric scattering properties and the radiative transfer through the atmosphere that includes polarization
  15. Validation of the sea ice surface albedo scheme of the regional climate model HIRHAM–NAOSIM using aircraft measurements during the ACLOUD/PASCAL campaigns
  16. Additional global climate cooling by clouds due to ice crystal complexity
  17. Improvement of Airborne Retrievals of Cloud Droplet Number Concentration of Trade Wind Cumulus Using a Synergetic Approach
  18. Cloud geometry from oxygen-A band observations through an aircraft side window
  19. Simulated and observed horizontal inhomogeneities of optical thickness of Arctic stratus
  20. Additional Global Climate Cooling by Clouds due to Ice Crystal Complexity
  21. Comparing airborne and satellite retrievals of cloud optical thickness and particle effective radius using a spectral radiance ratio technique: two case studies for cirrus and deep convective clouds
  22. Uncertainties of atmospheric polarimetric measurements with sun-sky radiometers induced by errors of relative orientations of polarizers
  23. IPRT polarized radiative transfer model intercomparison project – Three-dimensional test cases (phase B)
  24. Simulated and observed horizontal inhomogeneities of optical thickness of Arctic stratus
  25. Illustration of microphysical processes in Amazonian deep convective clouds in the gamma phase space: introduction and potential applications
  26. Further evidence for CCN aerosol concentrations determining the height of warm rain and ice initiation in convective clouds over the Amazon basin
  27. Comparison of different methods to retrieve optical-equivalent snow grain size in central Antarctica
  28. Overview: Precipitation Characteristics and Sensitivities to the Environmental Conditions during GoAmazon2014/5 and ACRIDICON-CHUVA
  29. Classification of Arctic, midlatitude and tropical clouds in the mixed-phase temperature regime
  30. Comparing Airborne and Satellite Retrievals of Optical and Microphysical Properties of Cirrus and Deep Convective Clouds using a Radiance Ratio Technique
  31. A tandem approach for collocated measurements of microphysical and radiative cirrus properties
  32. Combined retrieval of Arctic liquid water cloud and surface snow properties using airborne spectral solar remote sensing
  33. Aerosol characteristics and particle production in the upper troposphere over the Amazon Basin
  34. Vertical distribution of the particle phase in tropical deep convective clouds as derived from cloud-side reflected solar radiation measurements
  35. Comparing parameterized versus measured microphysical properties of tropical convective cloud bases during the ACRIDICON–CHUVA campaign
  36. A tandem approach for collocated in-situ measurements of microphysical and radiative cirrus properties
  37. Potential of remote sensing of cirrus optical thickness by airborne spectral radiance measurements at different sideward viewing angles
  38. Classification of Arctic, Mid-Latitude and Tropical Clouds in the Mixed-Phase Temperature Regime
  39. Illustration of microphysical processes in Amazonian deep convective clouds in the Gamma phase space: Introduction and potential applications
  40. Combined retrieval of Arctic liquid water cloud and surface snow properties using airborne spectral solar remote sensing
  41. Directional, horizontal inhomogeneities of cloud optical thickness fields retrieved from ground-based and airbornespectral imaging
  42. Aerosol concentrations determine the height of warm rain and ice initiation in convective clouds over the Amazon basin
  43. Aerosol concentrations determine the height of warm rain and ice initiation in convective clouds over the Amazon basin
  44. Vertical distribution of the phase state of particles in tropical deep-convective clouds as derived from cloud-side reflected solar radiation measurements
  45. Comparison of different methods to retrieve effective snow grain size in central Antarctica
  46. Comparing calculated microphysical properties of tropical convective clouds at cloud base with measurements during the ACRIDICON-CHUVA campaign
  47. Potential of remote sensing of cirrus optical thickness by airborne spectral radiance measurements in different viewing angles and nadir geometry
  48. ACRIDICON–CHUVA Campaign: Studying Tropical Deep Convective Clouds and Precipitation over Amazonia Using the New German Research Aircraft HALO
  49. Directional, Horizontal Inhomogeneities of Cloud Optical Thickness Fields Retrieved from Ground-Based and Airborne Spectral Imaging
  50. SPARTA – Solver for Polarized Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Applications: Introduction and application to Saharan dust fields
  51. Spectral optical layer properties of cirrus from collocated airborne measurements and simulations
  52. Introduction: Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon2014/5)
  53. Adaption of the MODIS aerosol retrieval algorithm using airborne spectral surface reflectance measurements over urban areas: a case study
  54. IPRT polarized radiative transfer model intercomparison project – Phase A
  55. Reconstruction of high-resolution time series from slow-response broadband terrestrial irradiance measurements by deconvolution
  56. Airborne observations and simulations of three-dimensional radiative interactions between Arctic boundary layer clouds and ice floes
  57. Adaption of the MODIS aerosol retrieval algorithm by airborne spectral surface reflectance measurements over urban areas: a case study
  58. Spectral optical layer properties of cirrus from collocated airborne measurements – a feasibility study
  59. Reconstruction of high resolution time series from slow-response broadband solar and terrestrial irradiance measurements by deconvolution
  60. The lasting effect of limonene-induced particle formation on air quality in a genuine indoor environment
  61. Turbulent Mixing in Shallow Trade Wind Cumuli: Dependence on Cloud Life Cycle
  62. In situ detection of stratosphere-troposphere exchange of cirrus particles in the midlatitudes
  63. Arctic low-level boundary layer clouds: in situ measurements and simulations of mono- and bimodal supercooled droplet size distributions at the top layer of liquid phase clouds
  64. Observations and simulations of three-dimensional radiative interactions between Arctic boundary layer clouds and ice floes
  65. A method to calculate Stokes parameters and angle of polarization of skylight from polarized CIMEL sun/sky radiometers
  66. A new multispectral cloud retrieval method for ship-based solar transmissivity measurements
  67. Arctic low-level boundary layer clouds: in-situ measurements and simulations of mono- and bimodal supercooled droplet size distributions at the cloud top layer
  68. The Cloud Particle Spectrometer with Polarization Detection (CPSPD): A next generation open-path cloud probe for distinguishing liquid cloud droplets from ice crystals
  69. Simulation of the influence of aerosol particles on Stokes parameters of polarized skylight
  70. Influence of local surface albedo variability and ice crystal shape on passive remote sensing of thin cirrus
  71. Twomey effect observed from collocated microphysical and remote sensing measurements over shallow cumulus
  72. The fine-scale structure of the trade wind cumuli over Barbados – an introduction to the CARRIBA project
  73. Retrieval of cirrus optical thickness and assessment of ice crystal shape from ground-based imaging spectrometry
  74. Optical thickness and effective radius of Arctic boundary-layer clouds retrieved from airborne nadir and imaging spectrometry
  75. Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research
  76. Atmospheric Radiation Measurements
  77. In SituMeasurements of Cloud and Precipitation Particles
  78. Introduction to Airborne Measurements of the Earth Atmosphere and Surface
  79. Influence of spatial heterogeneity of local surface albedo on the area-averaged surface albedo retrieved from airborne irradiance measurements
  80. Thermodynamic phase retrieval of convective clouds: impact of sensor viewing geometry and vertical distribution of cloud properties
  81. Influence of surface albedo heterogeneity on passive remote sensing of cirrus properties
  82. Application of ground-based hyperspectral imaging to retrieve ice crystal shape and fields of cirrus optical thickness
  83. A device to measure the influence of spatially inhomogeneous cirrus on atmospheric radiation
  84. Airborne measurements of urban surface reflectivity and albedo
  85. Cloud retrieval using ship-based spectral transmissivity measurements
  86. Influence of spatial heterogeneity of surface albedo on its retrieval from airborne irradiance measurements
  87. Influence of surface albedo inhomogeneities on passive remote sensing of cirrus properties
  88. Airborne hyperspectral observations of surface and cloud directional reflectivity using a commercial digital camera
  89. In Situ, Airborne Instrumentation: Addressing and Solving Measurement Problems in Ice Clouds
  90. Airborne instruments to measure atmospheric aerosol particles, clouds and radiation: A cook's tour of mature and emerging technology
  91. Dependence of extinction cross-section on incident polarization state and particle orientation
  92. Particulate matter pollution in the megacities of the Pearl River Delta, China – A systematic literature review and health risk assessment
  93. On realistic size equivalence and shape of spheroidal Saharan mineral dust particles applied in solar and thermal radiative transfer calculations
  94. Airborne spectral radiation measurements to derive solar radiative forcing of Saharan dust mixed with biomass burning smoke particles
  95. Regional modelling of Saharan dust and biomass-burning smoke
  96. Saharan Mineral Dust Experiments SAMUM–1 and SAMUM–2: what have we learned?
  97. Thermal IR radiative properties of mixed mineral dust and biomass aerosol during SAMUM-2
  98. Applications of Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Retrievals of Cloud Properties
  99. Effect of measured surface albedo on modeled Saharan dust solar radiative forcing
  100. Collocated measurements of boundary layer cloud microphysical and radiative properties: A feasibility study
  101. Apparent absorption of solar spectral irradiance in heterogeneous ice clouds
  102. In-situ observations of young contrails – overview and selected results from the CONCERT campaign
  103. Aerosol layers from the 2008 eruptions of Mount Okmok and Mount Kasatochi: In situ upper troposphere and lower stratosphere measurements of sulfate and organics over Europe
  104. A new method for deriving aerosol solar radiative forcing and its first application within MILAGRO/INTEX-B
  105. A new method to retrieve the aerosol layer absorption coefficient from airborne flux density and actinic radiation measurements
  106. Influence of ice crystal shape on retrieval of cirrus optical thickness and effective radius: A case study
  107. EUFAR goes hyperspectral in FP7
  108. Irradiance in polluted cumulus fields: Measured and modeled cloud-aerosol effects
  109. Dust mobilization and transport in the northern Sahara during SAMUM 2006 – a meteorological overview
  110. Measurements of desert dust optical characteristics at Porte au Sahara during SAMUM
  111. Solar radiative effects of a Saharan dust plume observed during SAMUM assuming spheroidal model particles
  112. Retrieval of aerosol optical thickness for desert conditions using MERIS observations during the SAMUM campaign
  113. Spectral surface albedo over Morocco and its impact on radiative forcing of Saharan dust
  114. Desert dust aerosol air mass mapping in the western Sahara, using particle properties derived from space-based multi-angle imaging
  115. Laboratory Studies of Scattering Properties of Polluted Cloud Droplets: Implications for FSSP Measurements
  116. Hygroscopic properties and extinction of aerosol particles at ambient relative humidity in South-Eastern China
  117. Radiative and dynamic effects of absorbing aerosol particles over the Pearl River Delta, China
  118. Relative humidity dependence of aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing in the surface boundary layer at Xinken in Pearl River Delta of China: An observation based numerical study
  119. Ice crystal shape effects on solar radiative properties of Arctic mixed-phase clouds—Dependence on microphysical properties
  120. Combining Upcoming Satellite Missions and Aircraft Activities: Future Challenges for the EUFAR Fleet
  121. Comparing irradiance fields derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer airborne simulator cirrus cloud retrievals with solar spectral flux radiometer measurements
  122. On the direct and semidirect effects of Saharan dust over Europe: A modeling study
  123. Effects of ice crystal habit on thermal infrared radiative properties and forcing of cirrus
  124. A CCD Spectroradiometer for Ultraviolet Actinic Radiation Measurements
  125. Evidence for inertial droplet clustering in weakly turbulent clouds
  126. Factors influencing the mesoscale variations in marine stratocumulus albedo
  127. Reproducing cloud microphysical and irradiance measurements using three 3D cloud generators
  128. Hyperspectral Solar Spectral Measurements and Applications
  129. Impact of Crystal Habit on Cirrus Radiative Properties
  130. Probing Finescale Dynamics and Microphysics of Clouds with Helicopter-Borne Measurements
  131. Parameterization of Ozone Photolysis Frequency in the Lower Troposphere Using Data from Photodiode Array Detector Spectrometers
  132. Potential of lidar backscatter data to estimate solar aerosol radiative forcing
  133. Airborne measurements of spectral direct aerosol radiative forcing in the Intercontinental chemical Transport Experiment/Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation of anthropogenic pollution, 2004
  134. Airborne system for fast measurements of upwelling and downwelling spectral actinic flux densities
  135. Impact of cirrus crystal shape on solar spectral irradiance: A case study for subtropical cirrus
  136. Minimizing Instrumental Broadening of the Drop Size Distribution with the M-Fast-FSSP
  137. THE BALTEX BRIDGE CAMPAIGN: An Integrated Approach for a Better Understanding of Clouds
  138. Laboratory Studies and Numerical Simulations of Cloud Droplet Formation under Realistic Supersaturation Conditions
  139. Airborne measurements of areal spectral surface albedo over different sea and land surfaces
  140. Airborne measurements of ground and cloud spectral albedos under low aerosol loads
  141. Assessing 1D Atmospheric Solar Radiative Transfer Models: Interpretation and Handling of Unresolved Clouds
  142. Arctic haze over Central Europe
  143. Performance of a Counterflow Virtual Impactor in the NASA Icing Research Tunnel
  144. A New Tethered Balloon-Borne Payload for Fine-Scale Observations in the Cloudy Boundary Layer
  145. Vertical distribution of spectral solar irradiance in the cloudless sky: A case study
  146. Aerosol-radiation interaction in the cloudless atmosphere during LACE 98 2. Aerosol-induced solar irradiance changes determined from airborne pyranometer measurements and calculations
  147. STAAARTE-MED 1998 summer airborne measurements over the Aegean Sea 1. Aerosol particles and trace gases
  148. STAAARTE-MED 1998 summer airborne measurements over the Aegean Sea 2. Aerosol scattering and absorption, and radiative calculations
  149. Optical closure for an aerosol column: Method, accuracy, and inferable properties applied to a biomass-burning aerosol and its radiative forcing
  150. Vertical variability of aerosol properties observed at a continental site during the Lindenberg Aerosol Characterization Experiment (LACE 98)
  151. Optical and microphysical characterization of biomass- burning and industrial-pollution aerosols from- multiwavelength lidar and aircraft measurements
  152. Aerosol-radiation interaction in the cloudless atmosphere during LACE 98 1. Measured and calculated broadband solar and spectral surface insolations
  153. Particle scattering, backscattering, and absorption coefficients: An in situ closure and sensitivity study
  154. A case study on microphysical and radiative properties of power-plant-originated clouds
  155. Size-dependent aerosol activation at the high-alpine site Jungfraujoch (3580 m asl)
  156. An Airborne Spectral Albedometer with Active Horizontal Stabilization
  157. Bursts of Aitken mode and ultrafine particles observed at the top of continental boundary layer clouds
  158. Measurement-based aerosol forcing calculations: The influence of model complexity
  159. Microphysical particle parameters from extinction and backscatter lidar data by inversion with regularization: experiment
  160. Measurement-based J(NO2) sensitivity in a cloudless atmosphere under low aerosol loading and high solar zenith angle conditions
  161. Droplet nucleation and growth in orographic clouds in relation to the aerosol population
  162. The Great Dun Fell Experiment 1995: an overview
  163. Cloud droplet nucleation scavenging in relation to the size and hygroscopic behaviour of aerosol particles
  164. Experimental determination of the connection between cloud droplet size and its dry residue size
  165. Meteorology of the great dun fell cloud experiment 1993
  166. Microphysics of clouds: Model vs measurements
  167. Night-time formation and occurrence of new particles associated with orographic clouds
  168. Observations and modelling of the processing of aerosol by a hill cap cloud
  169. Source identification during the Great Dun Fell cloud experiment 1993
  170. The great dun fell cloud experiment 1993: An overview
  171. The reduced nitrogen budget of an orographic cloud
  172. The size-dependent chemical composition of cloud droplets
  173. Possibility of refractive index determination of atmospheric aerosol particles by ground-based solar extinction and scattering measurements
  174. Variability of aerosol optical parameters by advective processes