All Stories

  1. Bilimsel literatürde kendine atıf yapma: bir danışmanın perspektifinden
  2. Cheiloscopy - An Overview of its Limitations and Future Perspectives
  3. Oral Verrucous Carcinoma
  4. A simplified working classification for the soft tissue swellings of oral cavity
  5. Myxolipoma of oral cavity
  6. Radicular cyst: case report
  7. Kompleks Histolojik Paternler İçeren Periferal Ameloblastoma
  8. E-cigarettes
  9. Estimation of age by Secondary dentin deposition, Root translucency and cementum apposition - A unique modification of Gustafsons method
  10. A Comparative Evaluation of Gustafson’s Formula and New Formula for Age Estimation in India – A Forensic Study
  11. Prosthodontic Management of Endodontically Treated Teeth: A Literature Review
  12. multilocular unicystic ameloblastoma of mandible
  13. Unilateral lichen planus: A rare case report
  14. Rare presentation of radicular cyst with sebaceous differentiation
  15. Pigmented Lesion of Buccal Mucosa
  16. Prosthodontic treatment strategy for patients with ectodermal dysplasia: A literature review
  17. Multilocular Unicystic Ameloblastoma of Mandible