All Stories

  1. Affordances of the Microsystem of the Classroom for Foreign Language Enjoyment
  2. Relational influences of a teacher’s self-disclosure on the emergence of foreign language enjoyment patterns
  3. Affordances in Iranian English for Academic Purposes Education: an Ecological Approach
  4. Rapid Changes in Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Caused by a Multiplicity of Topics: An Idiodynamic Approach
  5. Dynamics and mechanisms of foreign language enjoyment contagion
  6. Emotional Processes of Foreign-Language Learning Situated in Real-Time Teacher Support
  7. Systemic functional multimodal discourse analysis of teaching students developing classroom materials
  8. Foreign Language Anxiety and Enjoyment in an Imagined Community
  9. Is Transparency an Illusion? An Idiodynamic Assessment of Teacher and Peers’ Reading of Nonverbal Communication Cues of Foreign Language Enjoyment
  10. Longitudinal examination of university students’ foreign language enjoyment and foreign language classroom anxiety in the course of general English: latent growth curve modeling
  11. English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Anxiety and Interlocutors’ Status and Familiarity: An Idiodynamic Perspective
  12. Exploring the Fluctuations of Foreign Language Enjoyment in Conversation: An Idiodynamic Perspective
  13. Assessing Pragmatic Language Skills in Pre-School Hearing-Impaired Children and Their Hearing Peers: The Questionnaire
  14. Ecological understanding of foreign language speaking anxiety: emerging patterns and dynamic systems
  15. Iranian English Language Learners’ Attitude towards their Accent in English Language: An Ecological Approach
  16. On the exploration of the ecology of English language teachers’ personal styles in Iran
  17. Towards an Ecological Understanding of University Students⿿ Anxiety in English as a General Course in Light of Sociocultural Perspective
  18. Towards an Ecological Understanding of Translation Eternality in the Context of Iran
  19. On the Practice of Pedagogic Corpus Linguistics With Secondary School Iranian English Language Learners
  20. Assessing and Improving General English University Students’ Main Sub-skills of Reading Compression: A Case of University of Bojnord
  21. The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on General English Learners’ Locus of Control and Achievement
  22. The Effectiveness of Strategy-Based Instruction in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: A Meta-analysis of Experimental Studies
  23. Exploring English Language Learning Policies in Iran Based on Secondary School Course Books for Learning English in Light of Globalization and Culture
  24. Analyzing Culture of Learning and Teaching in the Iranian Secondary Schools English Language Course Books: Prospect
  25. Evaluating Iranian Secondary School Course Books for Learning English in Light of Construction of a Global Identity
  26. On the Ecological Evaluation of Iranian Secondary Schools English Language Course Books in Light Intercultural Communicative Competence: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude
  27. On the Practice of Developing Vision-centered Tasks for the Local Materials for Learning English: A Case of Iranian Secondary Schools English Language Coursebooks
  28. On the Use of L1 in English Language Classes in Light of Vygotsky’s Genotypic Approach: A Case of Persian Language
  29. An Ecological Exploration of the Culture of English as an International Language Among Iranian English Language Teachers in Light of Vygotsky’s Genotypic Approach
  30. The Effect of Metadiscourse on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension
  31. The Effect of Schema-Vs-Translation-Based Instruction on Persian Medical Students’ Learning of General English
  32. On the Relation of Locus of Control and L2 Reading and Writing Achievement