All Stories

  1. Phytosynthesis of Prosopis farcta fruit-gold nanoparticles using infrared and thermal devices and their catalytic efficacy
  2. Focused role of nanoparticles against COVID-19: Diagnosis and treatment
  3. Green sonochemical synthesis platinum nanoparticles as a novel contrast agent for computed tomography
  4. Sonochemical-assisted synthesis of highly stable gold nanoparticles catalyst for decoloration of methylene blue dye
  5. Recent Advances in Inorganic Nanomaterials Synthesis Using Sonochemistry: A Comprehensive Review on Iron Oxide, Gold and Iron Oxide Coated Gold Nanoparticles
  6. Potential of a sonochemical approach to generate MRI-PPT theranostic agents for breast cancer
  7. Distinct advantages of using sonochemical over laser ablation methods for a rapid-high quality gold nanoparticles production
  8. Rapid methanol-assisted amalgamation of high purity platinum nanoparticles utilizing sonochemical strategy and investigation on its catalytic activity
  9. Synthesis and optimization of the sonochemical method for functionalizing gold shell on Fe3O4 core nanoparticles using response surface methodology
  10. Rapid sonochemically-assisted green synthesis of highly stable and biocompatible platinum nanoparticles
  11. Trastuzumab conjugated porphyrin-superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle: A potential PTT-MRI bimodal agent for herceptin positive breast cancer
  12. Green synthesis: Proposed mechanism and factors influencing the synthesis of platinum nanoparticles
  13. Comparative analysis of platinum nanoparticles synthesized using sonochemical-assisted and conventional green methods
  14. Mechanisms of effective gold shell on Fe3O4 core nanoparticles formation using sonochemistry method
  15. Mycosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using the extract of Flammulina velutipes, Physalacriaceae, and their efficacy for decolorization of methylene blue
  16. Synthesis and coating methods of biocompatible iron oxide/gold nanoparticle and nanocomposite for biomedical applications
  17. Gold-coated iron oxide nanoparticles as a potential photothermal therapy agent to enhance eradication of breast cancer cells
  18. Mushroom-assisted synthesis of triangle gold nanoparticles using the aqueous extract of fresh Lentinula edodes (shiitake), Omphalotaceae
  19. Identifying Metal Nanoparticle Size Effect on Sensing Common Human Plasma Protein by Counting the Sensitivity of Optical Absorption Spectra Damping