All Stories

  1. Several matrix algebra applications in linear regression analysis, information theory, ODE and geometry
  2. A note on SVD and pseudo-inverse
  3. A discourse on applications of Linear Algebra
  4. Matrix applications in cryptography
  5. A note on singular value decomposition
  6. Hunting for Kaprekar constants
  7. Application of linear algebra in the study of sum of positive integral powers of first m-natural numbers
  8. A study on power summation of positive integers
  9. A brief about non-negative summation of consecutive whole numbers
  10. A review of literature on power sum of natural numbers
  11. A new vision on sum of powers of integers
  12. A new vision on ordinary least squares estimation of parameters of linear model
  13. On mathematical and statistical aspects of linear models
  14. An evaluation in generalized LSE of linearized stochastic statistical model with non-spherical errors