All Stories

  1. Kinetic Comparison between Drop Jumps and Horizontal Drop Jumps in Elite Jumpers and Sprinters
  2. Spatiotemporal variables comparison between drop jump and horizontal drop jump in elite jumpers and sprinters
  3. Validity and Reliability of a Load Cell Sensor-Based Device for Assessment of the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Test
  4. Issue Information
  5. Methodological considerations for determining the volume and intensity of drop jump training. A systematic, critical and prepositive review
  7. The Impact of Moderate-to-High-Intensity Exercise Protocols on Glycated Hemoglobin Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
  8. Validity and reliability of the Output sport device for assessing drop jump performance
  9. The Validity of the Push Band 2.0 on the Reactive Strength Index Assessment in Drop Jump
  10. The Effect of 16 Weeks of Lower-Limb Strength Training in Jumping Performance of Ballet Dancers
  11. Unhealthy lifestyles, environment, well-being and health capability in rural neighbourhoods: a community-based cross-sectional study
  12. Effects of jump training on the performance of dancers and gymnasts: a systematic review
  13. Criteria for determining the intensity of plyometric training. A systematic review
  14. Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP), a potential cartilage destruction biomarker in active and healthy individuals or athletes from different sports. A systematic review
  15. Prediction of Simulated 1,000 m Kayak Ergometer Performance in Young Athletes
  16. (Un)Healthy Lifestyles, Environment, Well-being and Health Capability in Rural Neighbourhoods: A Community-based Cross-sectional Study
  17. The influence of different track surfaces and bicycles on mountain biking performance
  18. Allometric Modeling of Wingate Test among Adult Male Athletes from Combat Sports
  19. Chronobiological Effects on Mountain Biking Performance
  20. Is Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation a Tool for Recovery after a Water Rescue? A Cross-Over Study with Lifeguards
  21. Upper respiratory symptoms (URS) and salivary responses across a season in youth soccer players: A useful and non-invasive approach associated to URS susceptibility and occurrence in young athletes
  22. 5 km front crawl in pool and open water swimming: breath-by-breath energy expenditure and kinematic analysis
  23. The Mediating Effect of Different Exercise Programs on the Immune Profile of Frail Older Women with Cognitive Impairment
  24. Body composition among long distance runners
  25. Physiological profile of adult male long-distance trail runners: variations according to competitive level (national or regional)
  26. Health profile of older adults assisted by the Elderly Caregiver Program of Health Care Network of the City of São Paulo
  27. Kinetic Analysis of Water Fitness Exercises: Contributions for Strength Development
  28. Development of a Healthy Lifestyle Assessment Toolkit for the General Public
  29. Heart Rate Variability and Stress Recovery Responses during a Training Camp in Elite Young Canoe Sprint Athletes
  30. Posters
  31. Lifelong exercise practice and immunosenescence: Master athletes cytokine response to acute exercise
  32. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Physical Education, Leisure and Health, 17-19 June 2019. Castelo Branco, Portugal
  33. Immune-endocrine responses and physical performance of master athletes during the sports season
  34. Variation in plasma cytokine concentration during a training season in elite kayakers
  35. Total and regional bone mineral and tissue composition in female adolescent athletes: comparison between volleyball players and swimmers
  38. Acute Hematological and Inflammatory Responses to High-intensity Exercise Tests: Impact of Duration and Mode of Exercise
  39. Cardiac remodeling indicators in adolescent athletes
  40. Lifelong training improves anti-inflammatory environment and maintains the number of regulatory T cells in masters athletes
  41. Physical, physiological characteristics and sport goal orientation of top Portuguese kickboxing athletes
  42. The trophic effect of ouabain on retinal ganglion cells is mediated by IL-1β and TNF-α
  43. Study Protocol on Hormonal Mediation of Exercise on Cognition, Stress and Immunity (PRO-HMECSI): Effects of Different Exercise Programmes in Institutionalized Elders
  44. Cronobiological effects over performance in individual sports: a systematic review (2000-2015)
  45. Changes of Hematological Markers during a Multi-stage Ultra-marathon Competition in the Heat
  46. Comportamento da pressão arterial em homens pré-hipertensos participantes em um programa regular de natação
  47. The Effects Of Swimming Training On The Blood Pressure Of Middle-aged Pre-hypertensive Men.
  48. Heart rate variability, adiposity, and physical activity in prepubescent children
  49. Essential concepts on using salivery biomarkers to monitorize the exercise impact
  50. Changes in naïve and memory T-cells in elite swimmers during a winter training season
  51. Salivary antimicrobial protein responses during multistage ultramarathon competition conducted in hot environmental conditions
  52. Células natural killer e efeito do treinamento
  53. Water and sodium intake habits and status of ultra-endurance runners during a multi-stage ultra-marathon conducted in a hot ambient environment: an observational field based study
  54. Differences in Plasma Cytokine Levels between Elite Kayakers and Nonathletes
  55. Haematological changes in elite kayakers during a training season
  56. Talent Identification and Specialization in Sport: An Overview of Some Unanswered Questions
  57. Diferenças em populações de células exterminadoras naturais (Natural Killers-NK) sanguíneas periféricas entre atletas de caiaque e não atletas
  58. Changes in natural killer cell subpopulations over a winter training season in elite swimmers
  59. Resposta da frequência cardíaca e da concentração de lactato após cada segmento do triathlon olímpico
  60. Morfologia e iniciação desportiva: interdependência interdependência da idade, experiência desportiva e indicadores maturacionais em jovens nadadores
  61. Cytokine production by monocytes, neutrophils, and dendritic cells is hampered by long-term intensive training in elite swimmers
  62. Hematological, Hydration Status And Electrolytes Profile During An Olympic Distance Triathlon Race
  63. Effect of lecturing to 200 students on heart rate variability and alpha-amylase activity
  64. Salivary alpha-amylase, cortisol and chromogranin A responses to a lecture: impact of sex
  65. Immunological And Hormonal Responses To A Four-day Competition Period In Elite Swimmers
  66. Short-term, but not post-exposure, protection against lethal orthopoxvirus challenge after immunization with modified vaccinia virus Ankara
  67. Workload and perception of effort in swin training