All Stories

  1. Understanding Financial Challenges of Female Entrepreneurs in Lima’s Small Business Sector
  2. How Cuban Entrepreneurs Balance Innovation and Market Orientation in a Challenging Economy
  3. A Dataset Exploring Female Entrepreneurs’ Financial Practices and Formalization in Lima, Peru
  4. Empreendedores que competem entre legitimidade e sustentabilidade financeira em tempos de COVID-19. O papel do suporte da família e dos amigos
  5. Entrepreneurs competing between legitimacy and financial sustainability in times of COVID-19: The role of family and friends’ support
  6. Integrating the external enablers of new venture creation theory into practice: A simulation approach for teaching entrepreneurship
  7. Does a better-informed business school have more export success?
  8. Teaching with business cases: opportunities and problems in times of Covid-19
  9. Proposiciones teóricas de base para una concepción de Sistemas de Información de Marketing
  10. Efectividad de marketing. Una contribución desde la programación lineal