All Stories

  1. Using LLMs and Automated Reasoning to Mathematically Prove That Programs are Correct.
  2. ESBMC-Python: A Bounded Model Checker for Python Programs
  3. JCWIT: A Correctness-Witness Validator for Java Programs Based on Bounded Model Checking
  4. FuSeBMC v4: Improving code coverage with smart seeds via BMC, fuzzing and static analysis
  5. The FormAI Dataset: Generative AI in Software Security through the Lens of Formal Verification
  6. AIREPAIR: A Repair Platform for Neural Networks
  7. ESBMC-Jimple: verifying Kotlin programs via jimple intermediate representation
  8. ESBMC-CHERI: towards verification of C programs for CHERI platforms with ESBMC
  9. ESBMC-solidity