All Stories

  1. Generalizing Flow Classification for Distributed Denial-of-Service over Different Networks
  2. Combination of Models for Denial-Of-Service Classification over Different Networks
  3. Understanding mobility in networks
  4. Distributed Machine Learning to prevent attacks on the Internet of Things
  5. DoS in the Parrot AR.Drone 2 Wi-Fi Command & Control
  6. MoHRiPA—An Architecture for Hybrid Resources Management of Private Cloud Environments
  7. A Minimalist Open Source Behavior Tree Framework in C++
  8. Autonomous and Collective Intelligence for UAV Swarm in Target Search Scenario
  9. A Roadmap to Nextgen Aircraft Control for Last Mile Delivery Drones
  10. An End-to-End Framework for Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection System
  11. Platoon Grouping Network Offloading Mechanism for VANETs
  12. An Analysis on Tradable Permit Models for Last-Mile Delivery Drones
  13. Evaluation of Lightweight and Distributed Emulation Solutions for Network Experimentation
  14. PEESOS-Cloud: A Workload-Aware Architecture for Performance Evaluation in Service-Oriented Systems
  15. Extending discrete-event simulation frameworks for non-stationary performance evaluation: requirements and case study
  16. Non-stationary Simulation of Computer Systems and Dynamic Performance Evaluation: A Concern-Based Approach and Case Study on Cloud Computing
  17. Transient performance evaluation of cloud computing applications and dynamic resource control in large-scale distributed systems