All Stories

  1. Between Remand and Verdict: Ethnic Minority Prisoners’ Legal and Penal Consciousness
  2. Ambition and reality: Reforms of legal studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen
  3. The Victim as Policy Agent? Exploring a Single Case from Denmark
  4. Lay Participation in Danish Crime Trials: On the Interaction between Lay and Professional Judges during Deliberation
  5. Using legal language as a non-lawyer: Danish lay judges’ linguistic strategies during criminal trials
  6. ‘Impressed’ by Feelings-How Judges Perceive Defendants’ Emotional Expressions in Danish Courtrooms
  7. Fra novice til oldtimer – domsmandsrollen som læringsproces
  8. The impact of pre-sentence reports on sentencing
  9. ”Hvad angår det mig som jurist?” - refleksion over jurastuderendes møde med nye fagligheder
  10. Personundersøgelser mellem forskning og praksis - samarbejdets muligheder