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  1. e–WOM and app stores in Iran: how online reviews influence purchase intention of paid mobile apps
  2. Implications of source, content, and style cues in curbing health misinformation and fake news
  3. Personalized vs non-personalized recommendations: how recommender systems, recommendation sources and recommendation platforms affect trial of YouTube videos among digital natives in Saudi Arabia
  4. Data quality comparison between computers and smartphones in different web survey modes and question formats
  5. Smartphones or computers for online sex education? A contraception information seeking model for Chinese college students
  6. Mapping Recent Development in Scholarship on Fake News and Misinformation, 2008 to 2017: Disciplinary Contribution, Topics, and Impact
  7. A pillar of community: Local newspapers, community capital, and impact on readership and advertising
  8. What Makes People Watch Online In-Stream Video Advertisements?
  9. Decline in news content engagement or news medium engagement? A longitudinal analysis of news engagement since the rise of social and mobile media 2009–2012
  10. How online usage of subscription-based journalism and mass communication research journal articles predicts citations
  11. Mobile news consumption and political news interest: A time budget perspective
  12. Who Pays for Online Content? A Media Dependency Perspective Comparing Young and Older People
  13. Use of Survey Research in Top Mass Communication Journals 2001–2010 And the Total Survey Error Paradigm
  14. The Role of the Trade Press in Promoting Professional Ethics in the Advertising Industry: The Case of the TV Quiz Scandal 1958–60
  15. Like, share, Recommend
  16. Social Media Involvement Among College Students and General Population: Implications to Media Management
  17. Internet experience and time displacement of traditional news media use: An application of the theory of the niche
  18. Emerging media and challenges in Chinese communities
  19. Why university members use and resist technology? A structure enactment perspective
  20. Subcultures and Use of Communication Information Technology in Higher Education Institutions
  21. Knowledge creation and dissemination in sub‐Saharan Africa
  22. Online Advertising Research in Advertising Journals: A Review
  23. An integrated model of advertising clutter in offline and online media
  24. Influence of cultural dimensions on online interactive review feature implementations: A comparison of Korean and U.S. retail web sites
  25. Book Review: Programming and Direct Viewer Payment for Television: The Case of Canal Plus Spain. Media Markets Monograph
  26. Book Review: Programming and Direct Viewer Payment for Television: The Case of Canal Plus Spain. Media Markets Monograph
  27. Cross-Media Use in Electronic Media: The Role of Cable Television Web Sites in Cable Television Network Branding and Viewership
  28. Webcasting Business Models of Clicks-and-Bricks and Pure-Play Media: A Comparative Study of Leading Webcasters in South Korea and the United States
  29. Webcasting Business Models of Clicks-and-Bricks and Pure-Play Media: A Comparative Study of Leading Webcasters in South Korea and the United States
  30. Book Review
  31. Webcasting
  32. Book Review
  33. Internet Business Models for Broadcasters: How Television Stations Perceive and Integrate the Internet
  34. The economics of scholarly journals: a case study on a society-published journal
  35. Stroke Knowledge and Barriers to Stroke Prevention Among African Americans: Implications for Health Communication
  36. Crossing Offline and Online Media
  37. Book reviews
  38. Setting the Public Health Agenda on Major Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa: African Popular Magazines and Medical Journals, 1981–1997
  39. Consumers' Use of Enhanced TV Features and Interest in E-Commerce on Cable Network Websites
  40. Enhanced television strategy models: a study of TV Web sites
  41. Book Review
  42. Enhanced TV as brand extension: TV viewers' perception of enhanced TV features and TV commerce on broadcast networks' web sites
  43. Chinese and non‐Chinese scholars’ contributions to communication research on greater China, 1978–98
  44. Product Distribution Choices in China: A Transaction Cost Perspective
  45. Reviews
  46. Interactivity reexamined: A baseline analysis of early business web sites
  47. Advertising appeals used by services marketers: a comparison between Hong Kong and the United States
  48. Changes in language use and value appeals under political transition Hong Kong advertising 1991–5
  49. Determinants of Consumer Responses to Direct Marketing Media
  50. Does Advertising Clutter Have Diminishing and Negative Returns?
  51. Media Models and Advertising Effects: Conceptualization and Theoretical Implications
  52. This line is mine
  53. Smartphones and Self-Broadcasting among College Students
  54. Smartphones & College Students
  55. Sampling in International Advertising Research
  56. International Advertising
  57. Do College Students Benefit from Their Social Media Experience?
  58. What Motivates Online Shoppers to “Like” Brands' Facebook Fan Pages?
  59. Smartphones and Self-Broadcasting among College Students in an Age of Social Media
  60. From Relationship to Information: