All Stories

  1. Notice and Choice Cannot Stand Alone
  2. A US-UK Usability Evaluation of Consent Management Platform Cookie Consent Interface Design on Desktop and Mobile
  3. Identifying User Needs for Advertising Controls on Facebook
  4. A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Methods and Risk Representation in Usable Privacy and Security Research
  5. Toggles, Dollar Signs, and Triangles: How to (In)Effectively Convey Privacy Choices with Icons and Link Texts
  6. “You Gotta Watch What You Say”: Surveillance of Communication with Incarcerated People
  7. HCI Ethics, Privacy, Accessibility, and the Environment: A Town Hall Forum on Global Policy Issues
  8. "It's a scavenger hunt": Usability of Websites' Opt-Out and Data Deletion Choices
  9. Informing the Design of a Personalized Privacy Assistant for the Internet of Things
  10. Exploring How Privacy and Security Factor into IoT Device Purchase Behavior
  11. The Influence of Friends and Experts on Privacy Decision Making in IoT Scenarios
  12. Nudges for Privacy and Security
  13. Exploring Topic-Based Sharing Mechanisms
  14. Design and Evaluation of a Data-Driven Password Meter
  15. A Large-Scale Evaluation of U.S. Financial Institutions’ Standardized Privacy Notices
  16. Do Users' Perceptions of Password Security Match Reality?
  17. I Would Like To..., I Shouldn't..., I Wish I...
  18. Biometric Authentication on iPhone and Android: Usability, Perceptions, and Influences on Adoption
  19. Spaced Repetition and Mnemonics Enable Recall of Multiple Strong Passwords
  20. Better Together: Usability and Security Go Hand in Hand
  21. General Requirements of a Hybrid-Modeling Framework for Cyber Security
  22. Improving App Privacy: Nudging App Developers to Protect User Privacy
  23. A field trial of privacy nudges for facebook
  24. Can long passwords be secure and usable?
  25. Electronic privacy and surveillance
  26. The Privacy and Security Behaviors of Smartphone App Developers
  27. Is Your Inseam a Biometric? A Case Study on the Role of Usability Studies in Developing Public Policy
  28. The post anachronism
  29. Privacy Engineering Emerges as a Hot New Career
  30. Privacy manipulation and acclimation in a location sharing application
  31. "i read my Twitter the next morning and was astonished"
  32. Privacy as part of the app decision-making process
  33. A Shortage of Privacy Engineers
  34. "Little brothers watching you"
  35. Measuring password guessability for an entire university
  36. QRishing: The Susceptibility of Smartphone Users to QR Code Phishing Attacks
  37. The Impact of Length and Mathematical Operators on the Usability and Security of System-Assigned One-Time PINs
  38. The post that wasn't
  39. What matters to users?
  40. Your attention please
  41. Out of sight, out of mind: Effects of displaying access-control information near the item it controls
  42. Tag, you can see it!
  43. Why Johnny can't opt out
  44. Guess Again (and Again and Again): Measuring Password Strength by Simulating Password-Cracking Algorithms
  45. Personalization and privacy: a survey of privacy risks and remedies in personalization-based systems
  46. Can Users Control Online Behavioral Advertising Effectively?
  47. A Conundrum of Permissions: Installing Applications on an Android Smartphone
  48. Correct horse battery staple
  49. Operating system framed in case of mistaken identity
  50. Smart, useful, scary, creepy
  51. Studying access-control usability in the lab
  52. What do online behavioral advertising privacy disclosures communicate to users?
  53. {Privacy, privacidad, Приватност} policies in social media
  54. CANTINA+
  55. The Effect of Online Privacy Information on Purchasing Behavior: An Experimental Study
  56. Exploring reactive access control
  57. More than skin deep
  58. Of passwords and people
  59. When are users comfortable sharing locations with advertisers?
  60. Usability of Forensics Tools: A User Study
  61. Bridging the Gap in Computer Security Warnings: A Mental Model Approach
  62. "I regretted the minute I pressed share"
  63. Adapt-a-ride
  64. An Investigation into Facebook Friend Grouping
  65. Are you close with me? are you nearby?
  66. I know where you live
  67. Improving Computer Security Dialogs
  68. Who Is Concerned about What? A Study of American, Chinese and Indian Users’ Privacy Concerns on Social Network Sites
  69. Capturing location-privacy preferences: quantifying accuracy and user-burden tradeoffs
  70. Empirical models of privacy in location sharing
  71. CS expertise for institutional review boards
  72. Institutional review boards and your research
  73. Teaching Johnny not to fall for phish
  74. Access control for home data sharing
  75. Americans' attitudes about internet behavioral advertising practices
  76. Are your participants gaming the system?
  77. Encountering stronger password requirements
  78. Ethical Concerns in Computer Security and Privacy Research Involving Human Subjects
  79. Locaccino
  80. Standardizing privacy notices
  81. Token attempt
  82. Who falls for phish?
  83. Improving phishing countermeasures: An analysis of expert interviews
  84. Real life challenges in access-control management
  85. Timing is everything?
  86. Who's viewed you?
  87. A "nutrition label" for privacy
  88. A Comparative Study of Online Privacy Policies and Formats
  89. A user study of the expandable grid applied to P3P privacy policy visualization
  90. Analyzing use of privacy policy attributes in a location sharing application
  91. Engineering Privacy
  92. School of phish
  93. The impact of privacy indicators on search engine browsing patterns
  94. Who's viewed you?
  95. A Survey to Guide Group Key Protocol Development
  96. Understanding and capturing people’s privacy policies in a mobile social networking application
  97. Lessons from a real world evaluation of anti-phishing training
  98. P3P deployment on websites
  99. A user study of policy creation in a flexible access-control system
  100. Expandable grids for visualizing and authoring computer security policies
  101. You've been warned
  102. A user study of the expandable grid applied to P3P privacy policy visualization
  103. User-controllable learning of security and privacy policies
  104. Forum
  105. Protecting people from phishing
  106. User-Controllable Security and Privacy for Pervasive Computing
  107. Anti-Phishing Phil
  108. Behavioral response to phishing risk
  109. Cantina
  110. Getting users to pay attention to anti-phishing education
  111. Lessons learned from the deployment of a smartphone-based access-control system
  112. User interfaces for privacy agents
  113. What do they "indicate?"
  114. An analysis of P3P-enabled web sites among top-20 search results
  115. Decision strategies and susceptibility to phishing
  116. Human selection of mnemonic phrase-based passwords
  117. Power strips, prophylactics, and privacy, oh my!
  118. Privacy in India: Attitudes and Awareness
  119. Privacy patterns for online interactions
  120. Vicarious infringement creates a privacy ceiling
  121. Giving notice: why privacy policies and security breach notifications aren't enough
  122. Peripheral privacy notifications for wireless networks
  123. Searching for Privacy: Design and Implementation of a P3P-Enabled Search Engine
  124. Guest Editors' Introduction: Secure or Usable?
  125. An analysis of security vulnerabilities in the movie production and distribution process
  126. I Didn’t buy It for Myself
  127. P3P: making privacy policies more useful
  128. Analysis of security vulnerabilities in the movie production and distribution process
  129. Automated analysis of P3P-enabled Web sites
  130. In Search of the Perfect Voting Technology: No Easy Answers
  131. Letter from the Special Section Editor
  132. The role of privacy advocates and data protection authorities in the design and deployment of the platform for privacy preferences
  133. Use of a P3P user agent by early adopters
  134. The architecture of robust publishing systems
  135. Internet voting for public officials: introduction
  136. Voting after Florida
  137. Influencing software usage
  138. Internet privacy
  139. Privacy critics
  140. Privacy in e-commerce
  141. Putting it together
  142. Laws, self-relf-regulation, and P3P: will W3C's privacy platform help make the Web safe for privacy?
  143. Research posters 101