All Stories

  1. Cold welding adhesion for spacecraft repair: Experiment design and roadmap
  2. Analysis of Fragment Distributions from Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composite Panels Subjected to Hypervelocity Impacts
  3. Simulations of satellites mock-up fragmentation
  4. Research at the University of Padova in the Field of Space Debris Impacts against Satellites: An Overview of Activities in the Last 10 Years
  5. Analysis of fragments larger than 2 mm generated by a picosatellite fragmentation experiment
  6. Laser Vibrometry-Based Precise Measurement of Tape-Shaped Tethers Damping Ratio Toward Space Applications
  7. Preliminary observation of Marmolada glacier collapse of July 2022 with space-based cameras
  8. Experimental fragments distributions for thin aluminium plates subjected to hypervelocity impacts
  9. Launch of a sounding balloon for horizontal and vertical modelling of ALAN propagation in the atmosphere
  10. Characterization of the fragments generated by a Picosatellite impact experiment
  11. Validation of enabling technologies for deorbiting devices based on electrodynamic tethers
  12. Assessment of optical surfaces deterioration due to dust and ice impact and deposition
  13. Measurement of mechanical characteristics of tape tethers for space applications
  14. Deorbit kit demonstration mission
  15. Numerical simulations of hypervelocity collisions scenarios against a large satellite
  16. ERMES: Design and preliminary simulations for an autonomous docking manoeuvre
  17. Evaluation of a Single-Stage Light-Gas Gun Facility in Malta: Business Analysis and Preliminary Design
  18. Flight test of an autonomous payload for measuring sky brightness and ground light pollution using a stratospheric sounding balloon
  19. An in-line damper for tethers-in-space oscillations dissipation
  20. Verification of Angular Response of Sky Quality Meter with Quasi-Punctual Light Sources
  21. Impact risk assessment of deorbiting strategies in Low Earth Orbits
  22. A conceptual study to characterize properties of space debris from hypervelocity impacts through Thin Film Heat Flux Gauges
  23. Design and testing of an autonomous ARTVA detector for small drones
  24. Experimental Validation of a Deployment Mechanism for Tape-tethered Satellites
  25. Monitoring of air pollutants using a stratospheric balloon
  26. Space tethers: parameters reconstructions and tests
  27. Deployment requirements for deorbiting electrodynamic tether technology
  28. Test of Tethered Deorbiting of Space Debris
  29. Miniature docking mechanism for CubeSats
  30. Avalanche Rescue with Autonomous Drones
  31. Experimental characterization of multi-layer 3D-printed shields for microsatellites
  32. Large constellations assessment and optimization in LEO space debris environment
  33. CST: A new semi-empirical tool for simulating spacecraft collisions in orbit
  34. TED Project: Conjugating Technology Development and Educational Activities
  35. Development of a low-cost sun sensor for nanosatellites
  36. Study of dynamical stability of tethered systems during space tug maneuvers
  37. Autoport Project: a Docking Station for Planetary Exploration Drones
  38. Design and test of a semiandrogynous docking mechanism for small satellites
  39. Low-cost relative navigation sensors for miniature spacecraft and drones
  40. ARCADE-R2 experiment on board BEXUS 17 stratospheric balloon