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  1. Leaf reflectance spectroscopy captures variation in carboxylation capacity across species, canopy environment and leaf age in lowland moist tropical forests
  2. Do latex and resin canals spur plant diversification? Re‐examining a classic example of escape and radiate coevolution
  3. Age‐dependent leaf physiology and consequences for crown‐scale carbon uptake during the dry season in an Amazon evergreen forest
  4. Variations of leaf longevity in tropical moist forests predicted by a trait-driven carbon optimality model
  5. Vegetation chlorophyll estimates in the Amazon from multi-angle MODIS observations and canopy reflectance model
  6. The phenology of leaf quality and its within-canopy variation is essential for accurate modeling of photosynthesis in tropical evergreen forests
  7. Climate controls over ecosystem metabolism: insights from a fifteen-year inductive artificial neural network synthesis for a subalpine forest
  8. Do dynamic global vegetation models capture the seasonality of carbon fluxes in the Amazon basin? A data-model intercomparison
  9. Convergence in relationships between leaf traits, spectra and age across diverse canopy environments and two contrasting tropical forests
  10. Water-induced stress influences the relative investment in cleistogamous and chasmogamous flowers of an invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae)
  11. Leaf development and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests
  12. Quantitative visualization of biological data in Google Earth using R2G2, an R CRAN package
  13. Beyond Simple Reproductive Assurance: Cleistogamy Allows Adaptive Plastic Responses to Pollen Limitation
  14. Patterns of hybridization in plants