All Stories

  1. Sibling stories of parental mental distress
  2. “Fighting the invisible system”: A grounded theory study of the experiences of child protection social workers in England
  3. Talking and making meaning about parental mental health problems: The role of children's family caregivers
  4. Ethnic identity and wellbeing in the lives of third-generation British Bangladeshi adults
  5. Counsellors for birth relatives whose children have been adopted or taken into care
  6. Talking Through the Silence: How do Clinical Psychologists who Have Experienced Suicide Bereavement ‘Make Sense’ of Suicide?
  7. ‘Someone who’s there for you … even in your darkest days’: an evaluation of a psychotherapeutic counselling service for birth relatives of adopted children
  8. Facing Loss and Finding Hope in Narrating Together: Accounts of Parenthood Following the Death of a Child to Muscular Dystrophy
  9. Family understanding and communication about an adult relative’s mental health problem: A systematic narrative review
  10. We were in one place, and the ethics committee in another: Experiences of going through the research ethics application process
  11. ‘My children are my world’: Raising the voices of birth mothers with substantial experience of counselling following the loss of their children to adoption or foster care
  12. Building connection against the odds: project workers relationships with people experiencing homelessness
  13. Pebbles in palms: Counter-practices against despair
  14. On the other side: Learning about being a service user or carer during simulation training on a clinical psychology doctorate programme
  15. Living on a knife edge: the responses of people with physical health conditions to changes in disability benefits
  16. Supporting people who experience psychosis - how we can weather a violent storm together
  17. How parents who have lost a child experience continuing to parent their remaining children
  18. The experiences of being a qualified clinical psychologist from a BME background
  19. Young people's experiences of OCD
  20. Making hostels for men who experience homelessness more welcoming and healing spaces
  21. The challenges of being a refugee while also continuing to parent
  22. Talking or Keeping Silent About Parental Mental Health Problems-A Grounded Theory of Parents' Decision Making and Experiences with Their Children
  23. The experiences of birth mothers whose children were taken into care
  24. Out of the Mainstream: Helping the children of parents with a mental illness
  25. White is a colour too