All Stories

  1. Pushing the Throughput Limit of OFDM-based Wi-Fi Backscatter Communication
  2. Hydra: Attacking OFDM-base Communication System via Metasurfaces Generated Frequency Harmonics
  3. Hornbill: A Portable, Touchless, and Battery-Free Electrochemical Bio-tag for Multi-pesticide Detection
  4. WaveFlex: A Smart Surface for Private 5G CBRS Networks
  5. Athena: Seeing and Mitigating Wireless Impact on Video Conferencing and Beyond
  6. REHSense: Towards Battery-Free Wireless Sensing via Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting
  7. Face Recognition In Harsh Conditions: An Acoustic Based Approach
  8. Waffle
  9. LoCal
  10. Fusang: Graph-inspired Robust and Accurate Object Recognition on Commodity mmWave Devices
  11. Falls worthy of detection and detection methods based on mmWave radar
  12. SiFall
  13. LTE-Based Low-Cost and Low-Power Soil Moisture Sensing
  14. A new type of low-cost eye movement detection system using contact lens.