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  1. Few-shot Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis via Meta-learning
  2. Zero-Shot Stance Detection via Contrastive Learning
  3. Supervised Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Unreliable News Detection in COVID-19 Pandemic
  4. Enhancing Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Learning
  5. Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection with Interactive In-Modal and Cross-Modal Graphs
  6. A GCN-based sarcasm detection model with syntactic information and external knowledge.
  7. Target-adaptive Graph for Cross-target Stance Detection
  8. Aspect-invariant Sentiment Features Learning: Adversarial Multi-task Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
  9. EL_LSTM: Prediction of DNA-Binding Residue from Protein Sequence by Combining Long Short-Term Memory and Ensemble Learning
  10. Convolution-based Memory Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
  11. A Novel Class Noise Estimation Method and Application in Classification