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  1. Syntactic Growth of Adolescent Boys With Fragile X Syndrome or Down Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study
  2. Parental Responsivity and Child Communication During Mother–Child and Father–Child Interactions in Fragile X Syndrome
  3. Correlates of parent and child intervention gains
  4. Language and Literacy in Students With Intellectual Disabilities: Assessment, Intervention, and Moderators of Progress
  5. Cluttering in the Speech of Young Men With Fragile X Syndrome
  6. Estimates of the prevalence of speech and motor speech disorders in adolescents with Down syndrome
  7. Narrative Language Sampling in Typical Development: Implications for Clinical Trials
  8. Noncomprehension Signaling in Males and Females With Fragile X Syndrome
  9. Early Language Intervention Using Distance Video-Teleconferencing: A Pilot Study of Young Boys With Fragile X Syndrome and Their Mothers
  10. Pragmatic language in carriers of fragile X
  11. Effect of Speaker Gaze on Word Learning in Fragile X Syndrome: A Comparison With Nonsyndromic Autism Spectrum Disorder
  12. Sentence Comprehension in Boys With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  13. Language Comprehension Profiles of Young Adolescents With Fragile X Syndrome
  14. In memoriam: Sheldon Rosenberg, Founding Editor
  15. Effects of Sampling Context on Spontaneous Expressive Language in Males With Fragile X Syndrome or Down Syndrome
  16. Macrostructural Narrative Language of Adolescents and Young Adults With Down Syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome
  17. Expressive Language Profiles of Verbally Expressive Adolescents and Young Adults With Down Syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome