All Stories

  1. Decoding the processes behind perceived bistable structure-from-motion
  2. Biological motion perception: an algorithm for creating realistic human point-light-walkers
  3. How Our Thoughts Influence How We See: A Study on the Perception of 3D Images and Personality Traits
  4. Improving Accuracy in Combining Research Results: A Study on Effect Size Conversions
  5. Catching differences in visual images: performance depend on how images are presented
  6. Influences of orientation on the Ponzo, contrast, and Craik-O’Brien-Cornsweet illusions
  7. Grouping effects in numerosity perception under prolonged viewing conditions
  8. Individual differences in nonverbal number skills predict math anxiety
  9. Arithmetic Training Does Not Improve Approximate Number System Acuity
  10. Physiological responses related to moderate mental load during car driving in field conditions
  11. Measuring acuity of the approximate number system reliably and validly: the evaluation of an adaptive test procedure
  12. Motion and color generate coactivation at postgrouping identification stages
  13. Binding feature dimensions in visual short-term memory
  14. Integration of Colour, Motion, Orientation, and Spatial Frequency in Visual Search
  15. Dissociations between slant-contrast and reversed slant-contrast
  16. Colour, Polarity, Disparity, and Texture Contributions to Motion Segregation
  17. Visual memory needs categories
  18. The Noisy Cue Abstraction Model is Equivalent to the Multiplicative Prototype Model
  19. Good continuation with kinetic edges
  20. Good continuation with kinetic edges
  21. Seeing Stereoscopic Depth from Disparity between Kinetic Edges
  22. Visual binding of luminance, motion and disparity edges
  23. Visual summation of luminance lines and illusory contours induced by pictorial, motion, and disparity cues
  24. Visual Inter-Attribute Contour Completion
  25. Inter-attribute tilt effects and orientation analysis in the visual brain
  26. Mechanisms for Seeing Transparency-from-Motion and Orientation-from-Motion