All Stories

  1. What Police Say about Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Training in Two Jurisdictions (England/Wales and New South Wales, Australia)
  2. Is It Just a Guessing Game? The Application of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) to Predict Burglary
  3. Designing out Crime - Case Study Examples
  4. Gang Member: Who Says? Definitional and Structural Issues
  5. The prevalence of youth racially motivated offending: What do we really know?
  6. The way forward in designing out crime? Greater Manchester police design for security consultancy
  7. Sustaining the crime reduction impact of designing out crime: Re-evaluating the Secured by Design scheme 10 years on
  8. It Looks Good, but What is it Like to Live There? Exploring the Impact of Innovative Housing Design on Crime
  9. Current Responses to Youth Racially Motivated Offending
  10. Reconciling Security with Sustainability: The Challenge for Eco-Homes