All Stories

  1. Spread of the invasive corals, Tubastraea coccinea and Tubastraea tagusensis, towards the lower intertidal zones of southeastern Brazil
  2. Modeling the larvae dispersion of sun coral in the Brazil current off Cape Frio: A cyclonic eddy scenario
  3. Ecoacoustic indices in marine ecosystems: a review on recent developments, challenges, and future directions
  4. Iintegration of numerical oceanographic modeling systems via web services
  5. Upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and impact on acoustic propagation
  6. Variability and Transport of Inorganic Carbon Dioxide in a Tropical Estuary
  7. Reconstrução dos Dados Faltantes em Imagens Orbitais de Temperatura da Superfície do Mar para a Região Sudoeste do Atlântico Sul
  8. Variability of the upwelling system in the southeastern Brazilian margin for the last 110,000years
  9. Coastal upwelling off Cape São Tomé (22°S, Brazil): The supporting role of deep ocean processes
  10. Acoustic prediction using a feature-oriented regional modeling system and acoustic inversion
  11. The California Current System: A multiscale overview and the development of a feature-oriented regional modeling system (FORMS)
  12. Eddy-induced upwelling off Cape São Tomé (22°S, Brazil)
  13. Range-dependent acoustic tomography by oceanic feature modeling for the monitoring of upwelling (Cabo Frio, Brazil)
  14. A two-layer approximation to the Brazil Current–Intermediate Western Boundary Current System between 20°S and 28°S
  15. Feature-oriented regional modeling and simulations (FORMS) for the western South Atlantic: Southeastern Brazil region
  16. Numerical simulation of M2 internal tides in the South Brazil Bight and their interaction with the Brazil Current
  17. A parametric model for the Brazil Current meanders and eddies off southeastern Brazil
  18. On the baroclinic structure of the Brazil Current–Intermediate Western Boundary Current system at 22°–23°S
  19. Instabilidade linear de cisalhamento vertical em jatos geofísicos meridionais