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  1. Venovenous bypass in adult liver transplant recipients: A single-center observational case series
  2. Multimodal intrathecal analgesia (MITA) with morphine for reducing postoperative opioid use and acute pain following hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery: A multicenter retrospective study
  3. Postoperative complications and hospital costs following open radical cystectomy: A retrospective study
  4. The effects of 0.9% saline versus Plasma-Lyte 148 on renal function as assessed by creatinine concentration in patients undergoing major surgery: A single-centre double-blinded cluster crossover trial
  5. Anaesthetists’ attitudes towards attending the funerals of their patients: A cross-sectional study among Australian and New Zealand anaesthetists
  6. Postoperative complications and hospital costs following small bowel resection surgery
  7. Left atrial cavernous haemangioma presenting with cardiac tamponade in a patient with Cowden syndrome
  8. Reply to: The problem of using standardised base excess
  9. Associations of Fluid Amount, Type, and Balance and Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery
  10. Plasma-Lyte 148 vs. Hartmann’s solution for cardiopulmonary bypass pump prime: a prospective double-blind randomized trial
  11. The Effect of a Surgery-Specific Cardiac Output–Guided Haemodynamic Algorithm on Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy in a High-Volume Centre: A Retrospective Comparative Study