All Stories

  1. Providing Australian children and adolescents with equitable access to new and emerging therapies through clinical trials: a call to action
  2. Comparing Cytology Brushes for Optimal Human Nasal Epithelial Cell Collection: Implications for Airway Disease Diagnosis and Research
  3. Real world impact of 13vPCV in preventing invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in Australian children: A national study
  4. S945L-CFTR molecular dynamics, functional characterization and tezacaftor/ivacaftor efficacy in vivo and in vitro in matched pediatric patient-derived cell models
  5. Molecular Dynamics and Theratyping in Airway and Gut Organoids Reveal R352Q-CFTR Conductance Defect
  6. Molecular dynamics and functional characterization of I37R-CFTR lasso mutation provide insights into channel gating activity
  7. In silicoand functional characterisation of an ultra-rareCFTRmutation identifies novel lasso motif interactions regulating channel gating
  8. Collection, Expansion, and Differentiation of Primary Human Nasal Epithelial Cell Models for Quantification of Cilia Beat Frequency
  9. Molecular dynamics and theratyping in airway and gut organoids reveal R352Q-CFTR conductance defect
  10. Significant functional differences in differentiated Conditionally Reprogrammed (CRC)- and Feeder-free Dual SMAD inhibited-expanded human nasal epithelial cells
  11. Australian cystic fibrosis community views on organoids
  12. Significant functional differences despite morphological and molecular similarity in fully differentiated matched Conditionally Reprogrammed (CRC) and Feeder free dual SMAD inhibited expanded human nasal epithelial cells
  13. Case report: Cholecystoduodenostomy for cholestatic liver disease in a premature infant with cystic fibrosis and short gut syndrome
  14. Human Primary Epithelial Cell Models: Promising Tools in the Era of Cystic Fibrosis Personalized Medicine
  15. Henoch-Schönlein Purpura With Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome