All Stories

  1. A single-domain approach for modeling flow in and around porous media applied to buoyant reacting plume formation and ignition
  2. The principles of tomorrow's university
  3. FACE Gasoline Surrogates Formulated by an Enhanced Multivariate Optimization Framework
  4. Accelerating finite-rate chemical kinetics with coprocessors: Comparing vectorization methods on GPUs, MICs, and CPUs
  5. The case for openness in engineering research
  6. Assessing impacts of discrepancies in model parameters on autoignition model performance: A case study using butanol
  7. Accelerating solutions of one-dimensional unsteady PDEs with GPU-based swept time–space decomposition
  8. Fourth Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE4)
  9. A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review
  10. A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review
  11. An investigation of GPU-based stiff chemical kinetics integration methods
  12. pyJac: Analytical Jacobian generator for chemical kinetics
  13. Effects of oil and water contamination on natural gas engine combustion processes
  14. Implementing the Swept Time-Space Decomposition Scheme for PDEs on the GPU
  15. Reduced Chemistry for Butanol Isomers at Engine-Relevant Conditions
  16. Strategies for biomedical software management, sharing, and citation
  17. Strategies for biomedical software management, sharing, and citation
  18. Software vs. data in the context of citation
  19. Software vs. data in the context of citation
  20. Predicting fuel research octane number using Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectra of neat hydrocarbons
  21. The Challenge and Promise of Software Citation for Credit, Identification, Discovery, and Reuse
  22. Software citation principles
  23. Software Citation Principles
  24. Software Citation Principles
  25. [Editorial] Open Publishing in Engineering
  26. Software Citation Principles
  27. Software Citation Principles
  28. Software Citation Principles
  29. Counterflow ignition of n-butanol at atmospheric and elevated pressures
  30. Investigation of the LTC fuel performance index for oxygenated reference fuel blends
  31. Development of efficient and accurate skeletal mechanisms for hydrocarbon fuels and kerosene surrogate
  32. An automated target species selection method for dynamic adaptive chemistry simulations
  33. A Novel Fuel Performance Index for Low-Temperature Combustion Engines Based on Operating Envelopes in Light-Duty Driving Cycle Simulations
  34. Reduced Chemistry for a Gasoline Surrogate Valid at Engine-Relevant Conditions
  35. Mechanism reduction for multicomponent surrogates: A case study using toluene reference fuels
  36. Accelerating moderately stiff chemical kinetics in reactive-flow simulations using GPUs
  37. GPU-Based Parallel Integration of Large Numbers of Independent ODE Systems
  38. Recent progress and challenges in exploiting graphics processors in computational fluid dynamics
  39. On the importance of graph search algorithms for DRGEP-based mechanism reduction methods
  40. DRGEP-based mechanism reduction strategies: graph search algorithms and skeletal primary reference fuel mechanisms
  41. Skeletal mechanism generation for surrogate fuels using directed relation graph with error propagation and sensitivity analysis
  42. Skeletal Mechanism Generation of Surrogate Fuels Using Directed Relation Graph with Error Propagation and Sensitivity Analysis