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  1. Equations for Lipid Normalization of Carbon Stable Isotope Ratios in Aquatic Bird Eggs
  2. Organohalogen contaminants and total mercury in forage fish preyed upon by thick-billed murres in northern Hudson Bay
  3. High Corticosterone, Not High Energy Cost, Correlates with Reproductive Success in the Burrow-Nesting Ancient Murrelet
  4. Modeling foraging range for breeding colonies of thick-billed murres Uria lomvia in the Eastern Canadian Arctic and potential overlap with industrial development
  5. Networks of prey specialization in an Arctic monomorphic seabird
  6. Correction: Age, Sex, and Telomere Dynamics in a Long-Lived Seabird with Male-Biased Parental Care
  7. Age, Sex, and Telomere Dynamics in a Long-Lived Seabird with Male-Biased Parental Care
  8. Age‐related variation in energy expenditure in a long‐lived bird within the envelope of an energy ceiling
  9. Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) as Prey: Fish Length-Energetics Relationships in the Beaufort Sea and Hudson Bay
  10. High flight costs, but low dive costs, in auks support the biomechanical hypothesis for flightlessness in penguins
  11. Tracking Marine Pollution
  12. Effects of Climate-Induced Changes in Parasitism, Predation and Predator-Predator Interactions on Reproduction and Survival of an Arctic Marine Bird
  13. Parents are a Drag: Long-Lived Birds Share the Cost of Increased Foraging Effort with Their Offspring, but Males Pass on More of the Costs than Females
  14. Dynamic body acceleration predicts energy consumption
  15. Factors Influencing Legacy Pollutant Accumulation in Alpine Osprey: Biology, Topography, Or Melting Glaciers?
  16. Differential exposure of alpine ospreys to mercury: Melting glaciers, hydrology or deposition patterns?
  17. Determining Seabird Body Condition Using Nonlethal Measures
  18. The Arctic Phoenix
  19. Density‐dependence in the survival and reproduction of Bald Eagles: Linkages to Chum Salmon
  20. Incubation Patterns in a Central-Place Forager Affect Lifetime Reproductive Success: Scaling of Patterns from a Foraging Bout to a Lifetime
  21. Changes in body composition during breeding: Reproductive strategies of three species of seabirds under poor environmental conditions
  22. Productivity, embryo and eggshell characteristics, and contaminants in bald eagles from the Great Lakes, USA, 1986 to 2000
  23. Polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons and metabolites: Relation to circulating thyroid hormone and retinol in nestling bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
  24. Has early ice clearance increased predation on breeding birds by polar bears?
  25. Oxygen stores and foraging behavior of two sympatric, planktivorous alcids
  26. Specialization in Murres:The Story of Eight Specialists
  27. Underwater and above-water search patterns of an Arctic seabird: reduced searching at small spatiotemporal scales
  28. Central-place Foraging in an Arctic Seabird Provides Evidence for Storer-Ashmole's Halo
  29. PCBs and DDE, but not PBDEs, increase with trophic level and marine input in nestling bald eagles
  30. Do activity costs determine foraging tactics for an arctic seabird?
  31. Fatty acid signatures of female Brünnich's guillemots Uria lomvia suggests reliance on local prey for replacement egg production
  32. Accuracy of Depth Recorders
  33. Is mass loss in Brünnich's guillemots Uria lomvia an adaptation for improved flight performance or improved dive performance?
  34. Individual specialization in diet by a generalist marine predator reflects specialization in foraging behaviour
  35. Sources of bias in observations of Murre provisioning behavior
  36. Time allocation by a deep-diving bird reflects prey type and energy gain
  37. Increasing energy expenditure for a deep-diving bird alters time allocation during the dive cycle
  38. Seabird foraging behaviour indicates prey type
  39. The influence of buoyancy and drag on the dive behaviour of an Arctic seabird, the Thick-billed Murre
  41. Flight speeds of two seabirds: a test of Norberg's hypothesis
  42. Flight energetics of the Marbled Murrelet,Brachyramphus marmoratus