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  1. Psychometric evaluation of the Polish version of the Adherence to Refills and Medications Scale (ARMS) in adults with hypertension
  2. Gender-related differences in the progression of carotid stiffness with age and in the influence of risk factors on carotid stiffness
  3. Selected factors affecting adherence in the pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension
  4. The influence of frailty syndrome on medication adherence among elderly patients with hypertension
  5. Relationship between patients’ knowledge and medication adherence among patients with hypertension
  6. Maximum Eye Temperature in the Assessment of Training in Racehorses: Correlations With Salivary Cortisol Concentration, Rectal Temperature, and Heart Rate
  7. Mathematical modelling of the growth of human fetus anatomical structures
  8. Sex differences in the quality of life of patients with acute coronary syndrome treated with percutaneous coronary intervention after a 3-year follow-up
  9. The influence of breed, age, gender, training level and ambient temperature on forelimb and back temperature in racehorses
  10. Psychometric properties of the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale
  11. Predictors of left atrial appendage thrombogenic milieu in patients subjected to transesophageal echocardiography prior to cardioversion of persistent atrial fibrillation
  12. A Comparative Analysis of Selected Demographic Parameters for Evaluating Parity of Women in Poland, Spain, England and Wales for the Period 1996–2011
  13. The Relationship of Carotid Arterial Stiffness and Left Ventricular Concentric Hypertrophy in Hypertension
  14. Infrared Thermographic Assessment of Cooling Effectiveness in Selected Dental Implant Systems
  15. Relationship of carotid arterial functional and structural changes to left atrial volume inuntreated hypertension
  16. Impact of Chlamydia suis infection on reproductive disorders in pig herds
  17. Microbiological Analysis of Necrosols Collected from Urban Cemeteries in Poland
  18. Temperature range analysis (Tmax) on dorsal surface of sporting horses
  19. The Use of Infrared Thermography as a Rapid, Quantitative, and Noninvasive Method for Evaluation of Inflammation Response in Different Anatomical Regions of Rats
  20. Arterial–atrial coupling in untreated hypertension
  21. Thermographic Evaluation of Racehorse Performance
  22. Development of External Surfaces of Human Cerebellar Lobes in the Fetal Period
  23. Assessment of Foetal Age on the Basis of the Selected Dimensions of the Thorax
  24. Morphometry of Human Musculus Gluteus Maximus in Foetal Period
  25. Assessment of Growth Dynamics of Human Cranium Middle Fossa in Foetal Period
  26. Czynniki prognostyczne poprawy czynnościowej niedomykalności zastawki mitralnej w krótkoterminowej obserwacji po wszczepieniu CRT
  27. Relationship between vascular age and classic cardiovascular risk factors and arterial stiffness
  28. Thermovision techniques for evaluation of the effect of hippotherapy on changes in lower limb temperature in children with cerebral palsy (CP) – a pilot study
  29. Brachial plexus variations during the fetal period
  30. DPOAE in estimation of the function of the cochlea in tinnitus patients with normal hearing
  31. Reduction of noise in neighborhood of lignite strip mine