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  1. The accuracy of pollutant concentration calculations on the microscale using a modified Lagrangian advanced micro-scale model
  3. A Model for Identifying Road Risk Class
  4. An Integrated System for Simultaneous Monitoring of Traffic and Pollution Concentration—Lessons Learned for Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  5. Excess Fuel Consumption Due to Selection of a Lower Than Optimal Gear—Case Study Based on Data Obtained in Real Traffic Conditions
  6. Influence of Trajectory and Dynamics of Vehicle Motion on Signal Patterns in the WIM System
  7. Analysis and Prediction of Vehicles Speed in Free-Flow Traffic
  8. Monitoring road traffic participants' exposure to PM10 using a low-cost system
  9. Limitations of the effectiveness of Weigh in Motion systems
  10. The use of low-cost sensors for air quality analysis in road intersections
  11. Assessment of controlling effectiveness of a combustion engine’s utility parameters in relation to ecological and utility criteria
  12. A proposal of the acoustic climate index for assess traffic impact in a crossroad area
  13. Preliminary evaluation of repeatability for a mobile road weather information sensor
  14. Formulation of a task to control of harmful exhaust emissions from compression ignition engine
  15. Traffic Safety Analysis of Intersection Based on Data from Red Light Enforcement System
  16. A Concept of Weather Information System for City Road Network
  17. A Method for Estimating the Occupancy Rates of Public Transport Vehicles Using Data from Weigh-In-Motion Systems
  18. Utility of Information from Road Weather Stations in Intelligent Transport Systems Application
  19. COST 732 in practice: the MUST model evaluation exercise
  20. An application of a hybrid algorithm to identification of parameters of semi-empirical model describing a real process
  21. Artificial neural networks to control braking moments on wheels of an articulated vehicle
  22. Multipoint source method in air pollution modelling of cold start emission
  23. Modelling of air pollution on a military airfield
  24. An Application of Artificial Neural Network to Diesel Engine Modelling
  25. Application of Neural Network to Control the Load Motion of an Offshore Crane
  26. Numerical Analysis of Transient Thermal and Conversion Characteristics of Multisection Catalytic Converters