All Stories

  1. The Pulse of Mood Online: Unveiling Emotional Reactions in a Dynamic Social Media Landscape
  2. Harmful Speech Detection by Language Models Exhibits Gender-Queer Dialect Bias
  3. Machine Learning Insights Into Eating Disorder Twitter Communities
  4. Measuring Online Emotional Reactions to Events
  5. Retweets Amplify the Echo Chamber Effect
  6. Evaluating Content Exposure Bias in Social Networks
  7. Noise Audits Improve Moral Foundation Classification
  8. Strong gender differences exist in how scientists are cited
  9. Learning Fairer Interventions
  10. Assessing Scientific Research Papers with Knowledge Graphs
  11. Heterogeneous Effects of Software Patches in a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Game
  12. Auditing Algorithmic Bias on Twitter
  13. Limiting Tags Fosters Efficiency
  14. The Wide, the Deep, and the Maverick
  15. User-Based Collaborative Filtering Mobile Health System
  16. Origins of Algorithmic Instabilities in Crowdsourced Ranking
  17. Challenges in Forecasting Malicious Events from Incomplete Data
  18. Graph Embedding with Personalized Context Distribution
  19. A Geometric Solution to Fair Representations
  20. Collaboration Drives Individual Productivity
  21. Who Falls for Online Political Manipulation?
  22. Finding Prerequisite Relations using the Wikipedia Clickstream
  23. Advancing the international data science workforce through shared training and education
  24. Can you Trust the Trend?
  25. Towards Quantifying Sampling Bias in Network Inference
  26. Journalism, Misinformation and Fact Checking Chairs' Welcome & Organization
  27. Effort Mediates Access to Information in Online Social Networks
  28. Taming the Unpredictability of Cultural Markets with Social Influence
  29. Partitioning Networks with Node Attributes by Compressing Information Flow
  30. Portrait of an Online Shopper