All Stories

  1. Genomic Steppe ancestry in skeletons from the Neolithic Single Grave Culture in Denmark
  2. Kinship and social organization in Copper Age Europe. A cross-disciplinary analysis of archaeology, DNA, isotopes, and anthropology from two Bell Beaker cemeteries
  3. The Nature of Archaeological Knowledge and Its Ontological Turns
  4. From deconstruction to interpretation
  5. Re-theorising mobility and the formation of culture and language among the Corded Ware Culture in Europe
  6. Disciplinary Versus Interdisciplinary Expansion: Response to John Carman
  7. Diet and Mobility in the Corded Ware of Central Europe
  8. Connected Histories: the Dynamics of Bronze Age Interaction and Trade 1500–1100 bc
  9. Tracing the dynamic life story of a Bronze Age Female
  10. The Decline of the Neolithic and the Rise of Bronze Age Society
  11. Sozialarchäologische Perspektiven: Gesellschaftlicher Wandel 5000–1500 v. Chr.: Zwischen Atlantik und Kaukasus
  12. Bronze Age Identities
  13. Bronze Age ‘Herostrats’: Ritual, Political, and Domestic Economies in Early Bronze Age Denmark
  14. Archaeology and the Origin of the State: The Theories. By VincenteLulland RafaelMicó
  15. Constructing Social and Cultural Identities in the Bronze Age
  16. A Social History of Danish Archaeology (Reprint with New Epilogue)
  17. Comments of Kristian Kristiansen
  18. Organizing Bronze Age Societies
  19. Decentralized Complexity: The Case of Bronze Age Northern Europe
  20. Contract archaeology in Europe: an experiment in diversity
  21. Do we need the ‘archaeology of Europe’?
  22. The dialectic between global and local perspectives in archaeological theory, heritage and publications
  23. Should archaeology be in the service of ‘popular culture’? A theoretical and political critique of Cornelius Holtorf's vision of archaeology
  24. The Classical Tradition Strikes Back. Reply to Comments onThe Rise of Bronze Age Societyfrom Gullög Nordquist and Helène Whittaker.
  25. Household Economy, Long-Term Change, and Social Transformation: The Bronze Age Political Economy of Northwestern Europe
  26. Problem formulation and historical context define terminology and relevance – not linguistic formalism
  27. What language did Neolithic pots speak? Colin Renfrew’s European farming-language-dispersal model challenged
  28. Discourse and dialogue. Some observations and further reflections
  29. Genes versus agents. A discussion of the widening theoretical gap in archaeology
  30. The tale of the sword - swords and swordfighters in Bronze Age Europe
  31. Social Transformations in Archaeology: Global and Local Perspectives
  32. Rulers and Warriors
  33. Villagers of the Maws: A Portrait of an Early Bronze Age Society. John O'Shea. 1996. Plenum Press, New York, xii + 398 pp., 76 figures, 134 tables, references, index. $59.50 (cloth).
  34. The political economy of late Neolithic and early Bronze age society: The Thy archaeological project
  35. Exploring the Limits: An Interview with Leo Klejn
  36. The Strength of the Past and its Great Might: An Essay on the Use of the Past
  37. National archaeology in the age of European integration
  38. Ard marks under barrows: a response to Peter Rowley-Conwy
  39. Transformaciones sociales en el Neolítico final de la Europa templada (4000-2000 a.C.)
  40. The black and the red: Shanks & Tilley's programme for a radical archaeology
  41. Janet E. Levy: Social and religious organization in bronze age Denmark. An analysis of ritual hoard finds. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, International Series 124, 1982
  43. Besiedlung, Wirtschaftsstrategie und Bodennutzung in der Bronzezeit Dänemarks
  44. The application of source criticism to archaeology
  45. Organising Bronze Age Societies: Concluding Thoughts
  46. Introduction: Theory and Practice in the Late Prehistory of Europe
  47. Households
  48. Preface
  49. Interpreting Bronze Age Trade and Migration