All Stories

  1. Investigating How Gilds Were Employed on Reddit
  2. Expectation Conformance in Online Sound Therapy: Designing Tools for Users of Mental Wellbeing Applications
  3. Teacher, Trainer, Counsel, Spy: How Generative AI can Bridge or Widen the Gaps in Worker-Centric Digital Phenotyping of Wellbeing
  4. Observer Effect in Social Media Use
  5. Bystanders of Online Moderation: Examining the Effects of Witnessing Post-Removal Explanations
  6. LLM-Mod: Can Large Language Models Assist Content Moderation?
  7. Improving Work-Nonwork Balance with Data-Driven Implementation Intention and Mental Contrasting
  8. Future of Workplace Conversational AI-driven Personal Assistants: Promises and Perils
  9. Sensing Wellbeing in the Workplace, Why and For Whom? Envisioning Impacts with Organizational Stakeholders