All Stories

  1. Entextualizing vernacular forms in a Maniat village
  2. Networked Practices of Emotion and Stancetaking in Reactions to Mediatized Events and Crises
  3. Introduction
  4. The shared story of #JeSuisAylan on Twitter
  5. Sharing Small Stories of Life and Death Online: Death-writing of the Moment
  6. #JeSuisCharlie? Hashtags as narrative resources in contexts of ecstatic sharing
  7. Mediatization of Emotion on Social Media: Forms and Norms in Digital Mourning Practices
  8. Storying leaks for sharing: The case of leaking the “Moscovici draft” on Twitter
  9. Networked Emotions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sharing Loss Online
  10. Reflections on internet research ethics from language-focused research on web-based mourning: revisiting the private/public distinction as a language ideology of differentiation
  11. ‘Everywhere I go, you’re going with me’: Time and space deixis as affective positioning resources in shared moments of digital mourning
  12. Entextualising mourning on Facebook: stories of grief as acts of sharing
  13. Book review: Christian R Hoffman (ed.), Narrative Revisited: Telling a Story in the Age of New Media