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  1. Validation of body temperature predictions using a free predictive heat strain software in athletes
  2. Analysis of Greek prehistoric combat in full body armour based on physiological principles: A series of studies using thematic analysis, human experiments, and numerical simulations
  3. Prevalence of uncoupling protein one genetic polymorphisms and their relationship with cardiovascular and metabolic health
  4. Association of fat mass profile with natriuretic peptide receptor alpha in subcutaneous adipose tissue of medication-free healthy men: A cross-sectional study
  5. Screening criteria for increased susceptibility to heat stress during work or leisure in hot environments in healthy individuals aged 31–70 years
  6. Global heating: Attention is not enough; we need acute and appropriate actions
  7. Defining the determinants of endurance running performance in the heat
  8. Effects of physical activity on the link between PGC-1a and FNDC5 in muscle, circulating Ιrisin and UCP1 of white adipocytes in humans: A systematic review
  9. Heat remains unaccounted for in thermal physiology and climate change research
  10. Exercise-induced effects on UCP1 expression in classical brown adipose tissue: a systematic review
  11. Non-invasive measurement of tibialis anterior muscle temperature during rest, cycling exercise and post-exercise recovery