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  1. Impact of a community-based cardiovascular disease service intervention in a highly deprived area
  2. Open data on health-related neighbourhood features in Great Britain
  3. What are the social predictors of accident and emergency attendance in disadvantaged neighbourhoods? Results from a cross-sectional household health survey in the north west of England
  4. Developing an openly accessible multi-dimensional small area index of ‘Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards’ for Great Britain, 2016
  5. Spatial Aggregation Methods for Investigating the MAUP Effects in Migration Analysis
  6. Comparing the distances people migrate in different countries
  7. The IMAGE Studio: A Tool for Internal Migration Analysis and Modelling
  8. Interprovincial Migration, Regional Development and State Policy in China, 1985–2010
  9. Neighbourhood variations in child accidents and related child and maternal characteristics: Does area definition make a difference?
  10. Individual factors explain neighbourhood variations in accidents to children under 5 years of age
  11. Modifiable neighbourhood units, zone design and residents’ perceptions