All Stories

  1. Investigation into the swelling and dissolution behaviour of Polymer-Excipient blends of PEO Utilizing dissolution imaging
  2. PLGA nanoparticles for nasal drug delivery
  3. Electrospun nanofibers: Exploring process parameters, polymer selection, and recent applications in pharmaceuticals and drug delivery
  4. Comparative Evaluation of the Powder and Tableting Properties of Regular and Direct Compression Hypromellose from Different Vendors
  5. Carrier-Free Inhalable Dry Microparticles of Celecoxib: Use of the Electrospraying Technique
  6. Role of nanostructured lipid carriers in the expression alterations of ATP-binding cassette transporter genes in fluconazole-resistant Candida glabrata
  7. Surface functionalization of lipidic core nanoparticles with albumin: A great opportunity for quinacrine in lung cancer therapy
  8. Solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers: A review of the methods of manufacture and routes of administration
  9. An overview of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) systems designed and developed as drug carriers for management of periodontitis
  10. Dry Powder Formulation of Simvastatin Nanoparticles for Potential Application in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
  11. Loading Pistacia atlantica essential oil in solid lipid nanoparticles and its effect on apoptosis of breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231
  12. Magnesium Aluminium Silicate-Metformin Hydrochloride Complexes - The Use of Isothermal Calorimetry for Probing Clay and Drug Nanocomplexations
  13. Metronidazole- and Amoxicillin-Loaded PLGA and PCL Nanofibers as Potential Drug Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Periodontitis: In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluations
  14. An investigation of drug compact topography as relates to intrinsic dissolution rates determined by dissolution imaging
  15. Use of thermodynamics in understanding drug release from xanthan gum matrices: The influence of clay-drug complexes
  16. Drug release from magnesium aluminium silicate-polyethylene oxide (PEO) nanocomposite matrices: An investigation using the USP III apparatus
  17. Mechanical and release behaviour of theophylline from matrix tablets containing psyllium powder in combination with grewia polysaccharides
  18. Development of a novel method utilising dissolution imaging for the measurement of swelling behaviour in hydrophilic matrices
  19. A Predictive Integrated Framework Based on the Radial Basis Function for the Modelling of the Flow of Pharmaceutical Powders
  20. Effect of preparation method on the surface properties and UV imaging of indomethacin solid dispersions
  21. Real time calorimetric characterisation of clay – drug complex dispersions and particles
  22. Evaluating the swelling, erosion, and compaction properties of cellulose ethers
  23. Hydro-alcoholic media effects on theophylline release from sesamum polysaccharide gum matrices
  24. The use of various organic solvents to tailor the properties of ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl solid dispersions
  25. Effect of solvent on retarding the release of diltiazem HCl from Polyox-based liquisolid tablets
  26. Solid-state, triboelectrostatic and dissolution characteristics of spray-dried piroxicam-glucosamine solid dispersions
  27. Spironolactone loaded nanostructured lipid carrier gel for effective treatment of mild and moderate acne vulgaris: A randomized, double-blind, prospective trial
  28. The design of naproxen solid lipid nanoparticles to target skin layers
  29. Drug release from E chemistry hypromellose tablets using the Bio-Dis USP type III apparatus: An evaluation of the effect of systematic agitation and ionic strength
  30. An assessment of triboelectrification effects on co-ground solid dispersions of carbamazepine
  31. Starch-free grewia gum matrices: Compaction, swelling, erosion and drug release behaviour
  32. Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions
  33. Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay
  34. Crystal engineering of ibuprofen using starch derivatives in crystallization medium to produce promising ibuprofen with improved pharmaceutical performance
  35. The dissolution and solid-state behaviours of coground ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl
  36. Drug release from matrix tablets: physiological parameters and the effect of food
  37. The influence of salt formation on electrostatic and compression properties of flurbiprofen salts
  38. The effect of pH and ionic strength of dissolution media on in-vitro release of two model drugs of different solubilities from HPMC matrices
  39. Aqueous and hydro-alcoholic media effects on polyols
  40. An Investigation into the Stabilization of Diltiazem HCl Release from Matrices Made from Aged Polyox Powders
  41. The influence of agitation sequence and ionic strength on in vitro drug release from hypromellose (E4M and K4M) ER matrices—The use of the USP III apparatus
  42. Psyllium: a promising polymer for sustained release formulations in combination with HPMC polymers
  43. Effect of glucosamine HCl on dissolution and solid state behaviours of piroxicam upon milling
  44. Release Behaviour of Propranolol HCl from Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets Containing Psyllium Powder in Combination with Hydrophilic Polymers
  45. Effect of ionic strength and pH of dissolution media on theophylline release from hypromellose matrix tablets—Apparatus USP III, simulated fasted and fed conditions
  46. Study of dissolution hydrodynamic conditions versus drug release from hypromellose matrices: The influence of agitation sequence