All Stories

  1. Property rights and property relations - urban stumbling blocks
  2. Smart property developers learn from their big data
  3. Putin-regimets angrepskrig mot Ukraina påvirker også eiendomsfaget og planfaget
  4. Da Statens kartverk møtte jordskifteretten
  5. Facilitating Building Projects’ Short-Term and Long-Term Value Creation
  6. Guest editorial
  7. Knowledge workers deserve differentiated offices and workplace facilities
  8. The number of unfortunate technical solutions in new buildings is remarkably large
  9. Short term investments are more important than buildings' long term value creation
  10. Integration of information facilitate better buildings
  11. Facilities management (FM) at an Albanian and a Norwegian university hospital
  12. Knowledge workers’ use of space
  13. Social and physical value creation in Norwegian organisations
  14. Better understanding of the city dynamics leads to smart urban growth
  15. Interdisciplinary teams may facilitate learning and development of creativity
  16. Societal Planning in the 1950s – Tradition or Attempt?
  17. A wealthy country that deliberately postponed construction of motorways
  18. Book Reviews
  19. Kart og Plan