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  1. Multiple cues guarantee successful predation by a Neotropical wasp
  2. Natural history and ecology of foraging of the Camponotus crassus Mayr, 1862 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
  3. Temporal distribution, seed damage and notes on the natural history of Acanthoscelides quadridentatus and Acanthoscelides winderi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) on their host plant, Mimosa setosa var. paludosa (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), in the Br...
  4. Pseudomyrmex concolor Smith (Formicidae: Pseudomyrmecinae) as induced biotic defence for host plant Tachigali myrmecophila Ducke (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae)
  5. Florivorous myrmecophilous caterpillars exploit an ant-plant mutualism and distract ants from extrafloral nectaries
  6. A New Extrafloral Nectary-Bearing Plant Species in the Brazilian Savanna and its Associated Ant Community: Nectary Structure, Nectar Production and Ecological Interactions
  7. Climate changes affecting biotic interactions, phenology, and reproductive success in a savanna community over a 10-year period
  8. Increase in ant density promotes dual effects on bee behaviour and plant reproductive performance
  9. Ant-related oviposition is not associated to low parasitism of the myrmecophilous butterfly Allosmaitia strophius in an extrafloral nectaried shrub
  10. Female color polymorphism of Ischnura capreolus Hagen, 1861 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with notes on behavior and ontogenetic color changes
  11. Variation in Extrafloral Nectary Productivity Influences the Ant Foraging
  12. Wandering and web spiders feeding on the nectar from extrafloral nectaries in neotropical savanna
  13. Temporal Variation in the Abundance and Richness of Foliage-Dwelling Ants Mediated by Extrafloral Nectar
  14. Host plant phenology may determine the abundance of an ecosystem engineering herbivore in a tropical savanna
  15. Herbivory causes increases in leaf spinescence and fluctuating asymmetry as a mechanism of delayed induced resistance in a tropical savanna tree
  16. Loss and gains in ant–plant interactions mediated by extrafloral nectar: fidelity, cheats, and lies
  17. Herbivory-induced stress: Leaf developmental instability is caused by herbivore damage in early stages of leaf development
  18. Nestmate Recognition in the Amazonian Myrmecophyte Ant Pseudomyrmex concolor Smith (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
  19. On the inability of ants to protect their plant partners and the effect of herbivores on different stages of plant reproduction
  20. Structure and biodiversity of zooplankton communities in freshwater habitats of a Vereda Wetland Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  21. Beneficial Effects of Ants and Spiders on the Reproductive Value of Eriotheca gracilipes (Malvaceae) in a Tropical Savanna
  22. Ant Species Identity has a Greater Effect than Fire on the Outcome of an Ant Protection System in Brazilian Cerrado
  23. Availability of food and nesting-sites as regulatory mechanisms for the recovery of ant diversity after fire disturbance
  24. Delicate fangs, smart killing: the predation strategy of the recluse spider
  25. Foliar anti-herbivore defenses in Qualea multiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae): Changing strategy according to leaf development
  26. Secretory activity of extrafloral nectaries shaping multitrophic ant-plant-herbivore interactions in an arid environment
  27. Preferential consumption of larger fruits of Piper arboreum (Piperaceae) by Carollia perspicillata (Phyllostomidae) in the brazilian tropical dry forest
  28. Defences of a Neotropical harvestman against different levels of threat by the recluse spider
  29. Variation in the outcomes of an ant-plant system: Fire and leaf fungus infection reduce benefits to plants with extrafloral nectaries
  30. Ant–herbivore interactions in an extrafloral nectaried plant: are ants good plant guards against curculionid beetles?
  31. Mimicry and Eavesdropping Enable a New Form of Social Parasitism in Ants
  32. The role of tending ants in host plant selection and egg parasitism of two facultative myrmecophilous butterflies
  33. Ant-Plant Interaction in a Tropical Savanna: May the Network Structure Vary over Time and Influence on the Outcomes of Associations?
  34. Conditional outcomes in ant–plant–herbivore interactions influenced by sequential flowering
  35. Variation in the Outcomes of an Ant-Plant System: Fire and Leaf Fungus Infection Reduce Benefits to Plants with Extrafloral Nectaries
  36. Individual-Based Ant-Plant Networks: Diurnal-Nocturnal Structure and Species-Area Relationship
  37. The effects of forest fragmentation on the population ecology and natural history of a funnel-web spider
  38. Do ant visitors to extrafloral nectaries of plants repel pollinators and cause an indirect cost of mutualism?
  39. Description of Cephalotes specularis n. sp. (Formicidae: Myrmicinae)—the mirror turtle ant
  40. Fire triggers the activity of extrafloral nectaries, but ants fail to protect the plant against herbivores in a neotropical savanna
  41. Importance of interaction frequency in analysis of ant-plant networks in tropical environments
  42. Social parasitism: emergence of the cuckoo strategy between pseudoscorpions
  43. Predatory behavior of Pseudodorus clavatus (Diptera, Syrphidae) on aphids tended by ants
  44. Social Wasp-Flower Visiting Guild Interactions in Less Structurally Complex Habitats are More Susceptible to Local Extinction
  45. Ants Visiting the Post-Floral Secretions of Pericarpial Nectaries in Palicourea rigida (Rubiaceae) Provide Protection Against Leaf Herbivores But Not Against Seed Parasites
  46. Mate recognition in Acanthagrion truncatum (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v35i3.16138
  47. Influence, or the lack thereof, of host phenology, architecture and climate on the occurrence ofUdranomia spitzi(Hesperiidae: Lepidoptera)
  48. Influence of extrafloral nectary phenology on ant-plant mutualistic networks in a neotropical savanna
  49. Effect of post-fire resprouting on leaf fluctuating asymmetry, extrafloral nectar quality, and ant–plant–herbivore interactions
  50. Flower stage and host plant preference by floral herbivore thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera:Frankliniella) in a Brazilian savanna
  51. Influence of Camponotus blandus (Formicinae) and flower buds on the occurrence of Parrhasius polibetes (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Banisteriopsis malifolia (Malpighiaceae)
  52. Tending-Ants Increase Survivorship and Reproductive Success of Calloconophora pugionata Drietch (Hemiptera, Membracidae), a Trophobiont Herbivore of Myrcia obovata O.Berg (Myrtales, Myrtaceae)
  53. Foraging behavior ofBrachygastra lecheguana(Hymenoptera: Vespidae) onBanisteriopsis malifolia(Malpighiaceae): Extrafloral nectar consumption and herbivore predation in a tending ant system
  54. Reproductive behavior ofAcanthagrion truncatumSelys, 1876 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)
  55. Sexual size dimorphism, mating system and seasonality of a Neotropical damselfly,Telebasis carmesina(Coenagrionidae)
  56. Mating behaviour, nympho-imaginal development and description of a newMesabolivarspecies (Araneae: Pholcidae) from the Brazilian dry forest
  57. Seasonal patterns in the foraging ecology of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex naegelii (Formicidae, Myrmicinae) in a Neotropical savanna: daily rhythms, shifts in granivory and carnivory, and home range
  58. Natural history of an ant–plant–butterfly interaction in a Neotropical savanna
  59. Capybaras and ticks in the urban areas of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil: ecological aspects for the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases
  60. Emergent Impacts of Ant and Spider Interactions: Herbivory Reduction in a Tropical Savanna Tree
  61. Ecologia Evolutiva e Conservação: uma Parceria Necessária
  62. Plant-Arthropod Interactions: A Behavioral Approach
  63. Ecology of neotropical mistletoes: an important canopy-dwelling component of Brazilian ecosystems
  64. Towards a mathematical model of within-session operant responding.
  65. Effects of the Trophobiont HerbivoreCalloconophora pugionata(Hemiptera) on Ant Fauna Associated withMyrcia obovata(Myrtaceae) in a Montane Tropical Forest
  66. Flower-Visiting Social Wasps and Plants Interaction: Network Pattern and Environmental Complexity
  67. Territoriality and male-biased sexual size dimorphism in Argia reclusa (Odonata: Zygoptera)
  68. Oviposition and post-embryonic development of Aglaoctenus lagotis (Araneae: Lycosidae)
  69. Oviposition site selection inOxyagrion microstigmaSelys, 1876 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) is related to aquatic vegetation structure
  70. Colony cycle, foundation strategy and nesting biology of a Neotropical paper wasp
  71. Reproductive behavior of the Amazonian dwarf cichlid Apistogramma hippolytae Kullander, 1982: offsetting costs and benefits
  72. Is There Division of Labor in Cooperative Pseudoscorpions? An Analysis of the Behavioral Repertoire of a Tropical Species
  73. Mating behaviour and maternal care in the tropical savanna funnel-web spiderAglaoctenus lagotisHolmberg (Araneae: Lycosidae)
  74. Influência de técnicas de enriquecimento ambiental no aumento do bem-estar de Callithrix penicillata (E. Geoffroy, 1812) (Primates: Callitrichidae) doi:10.5007/2175-7925.2011v24n1p83
  75. Ectoparasitism and phoresy in Thysanoptera: the case ofAulacothrips dictyotus(Heterothripidae) in the Neotropical savanna
  76. Resource Defense Polygyny by Hetaerina rosea Selys (Odonata: Calopterygidae): Influence of Age and Wing Pigmentation
  77. Ant visitation to extrafloral nectaries decreases herbivory and increases fruit set in Chamaecrista debilis (Fabaceae) in a Neotropical savanna
  78. Ant–plant interaction in the Neotropical savanna: direct beneficial effects of extrafloral nectar on ant colony fitness
  79. Seasonal variation of ground spiders in a Brazilian Savanna
  80. Nectar- and pollen-gathering Cephalotes ants provide no protection against herbivory: a new manipulative experiment to test ant protective capabilities
  81. Relation of group size and daily activity patterns to southern lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) behaviour
  82. Ecology and behaviour of the weaver antCamponotus(Myrmobrachys)senex
  83. Insect-plant interactions: new pathways to a better comprehension of ecological communities in Neotropical savannas
  84. Ecological and evolutionary pathways of social behavior in Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones)
  86. Color changing and behavioral context in the Amazonian Dwarf Cichlid Apistogramma hippolytae (Perciformes)
  87. Natural history and foraging behavior of the carpenter ant Camponotus sericeiventris Guérin, 1838 (Formicinae, Campotonini) in the Brazilian tropical savanna
  88. Diversity of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Cerrado fragments of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
  89. Floral visitors of Chamaecrista debilis (Vogel) Irwin & Barneby (Fabaceae - Caesalpinioideae) at cerrado of Estação Ecológica de Jataí, São Paulo State, Brazil
  90. Cooperation in the neotropical pseudoscorpion, Paratemnoides nidificator (Balzan, 1888): feeding and dispersal behavior
  91. Ant Defense Versus Induced Defense in Lafoensia pacari (Lythraceae), a Myrmecophilous Tree of the Brazilian Cerrado
  92. Mechanoreceptive function of pectines in the Brazilian yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus: perception of substrate-borne vibrations and prey detection
  93. Host specificity of a Brazilian mistletoe, Struthanthus aff. polyanthus (Loranthaceae), in cerrado tropical savanna
  95. The outcomes of an ant-treehopper association on Solanum lycocarpum St. Hill: increased membracid fecundity and reduced damage by chewing herbivores
  96. Natural history and biology of Chlamisus minax Lacordaire (Chrysomelidae: Chlamisinae)
  97. Multitrophic relationships, conditional mutualisms, and the study of interaction biodiversity in tropical savannas
  98. Effects of predation pressure on the feeding behaviour of the serpa tetra Hyphessobrycon eques (Ostariophysi, Characidae)
  99. Host-parasite interactions between the piranha Pygocentrus nattereri (Characiformes: Characidae) and isopods and branchiurans (Crustacea) in the rio Araguaia basin, Brazil
  101. Male-Male Agonistic Behavior and Ant-Mimicry in a Neotropical Richardiid (Diptera: Richardiidae)
  102. Conditional outcomes in a neotropical treehopper-ant association: temporal and species-specific variation in ant protection and homopteran fecundity
  103. Ant-Homoptera Interactions in a Neotropical Savanna: The Honeydew- Producing Treehopper, Guayaquila xiphias (Membracidae), and Its Associated Ant Fauna on Didymopanax vinosum (Araliaceae)
  104. Ant-Homoptera Interactions in a Neotropical Savanna: The Honeydew-Producing Treehopper, Guayaquila xiphias (Membracidae), and its Associated Ant Fauna on Didymopanax vinosum (Araliaceae)1
  105. A new Brazilian species ofHeterothrips(Insecta: Thysanoptera) co-existing with ants in the flowers ofPeixotoa tomentosa(Malpighiaceae)
  106. Effect of herbivore deterrence by ants on the fruit set of an extrafloral nectary plant, Qualea multiflora (Vochysiaceae)
  107. Honeydew flicking by treehoppers provides cues to potential tending ants
  108. Ant-Homoptera Interaction: Do Alternative Sugar Sources Distract Tending Ants?
  109. Notes on mimicry between two tropical beetles in south-eastern Brazil
  110. Multitrophic interactions in a neotropical savanna: ant–hemipteran systems, associated insect herbivores and a host plant