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  1. Factors influencing household and women’s dietary diversity in migrant households in central Nepal
  2. Changes in soil organic carbon fractions in abandoned croplands of Nepal
  3. Farming in the mountains of Nepal: crops, soil fertility, livelihoods and farm-forest linkages
  4. A systematic review and gap analysis of drivers, impacts, and restoration options for abandoned croplands in Nepal
  5. Climate change‐induced distributional change of medicinal and aromatic plants in the Nepal Himalaya
  6. Dalit’s livelihoods in Nepal: income sources and determinants
  7. Understanding farmers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices of pesticide use in Nepal: synthesis of a systematic literature review
  8. Changing gender role declines maize yield, but remittances offset: Findings from migrant households in the central Himalayas, Nepal
  9. Ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues in soils from vegetable production areas: A case study in S-Nepal
  10. Agroforestry for mountain development: Prospects, challenges and ways forward in Nepal
  11. Forest Carbon Storage and Species Richness in FSC Certified and Non-certified Community Forests in Nepal
  12. Pesticide use in agriculture and chronic health conditions: A survey-based cross-sectional study in Nepal
  13. A review on history of organic farming in the current changing context in Nepal
  14. Concentration and distribution of pesticide residues in soil: Non-dietary human health risk assessment
  15. Effects of population, land cover change, and climatic variability on wetland resource degradation in a Ramsar listed Ghodaghodi Lake Complex, Nepal
  16. Pesticide residues in Nepalese vegetables and potential health risks
  17. Forest ecosystem services in Nepal: a retrospective synthesis, research gaps and implications in the context of climate change
  18. Factors affecting pesticide safety behaviour: The perceptions of Nepalese farmers and retailers
  19. Himalayan Musk Deer habitat under climate change
  20. Factors Contributing to the Decline of Traditional Practices in Communities from the Gwallek–Kedar area, Kailash Sacred Landscape, Nepal
  21. Climate change and invasive alien plant species of the Himalayas
  22. The greening of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau under climate change
  23. Vulnerability and impacts of climate change on forest and wetland ecosystems in Nepal
  24. Wetland dependency in South Asia emphasising Nepalese context
  25. High altitude regions of Nepal and climate change
  26. Tourism and wetland conservation
  27. Willingness to pay for wetland conservation
  28. Sustainable livelihood and wetland conservation
  29. Wetland diversity, uses and threats
  30. Erratum to: Distribution of health costs of pesticide use by household economy
  31. Distribution of health costs of pesticide use by household economy
  32. Knowledge, attitude and practices of pesticide use and acetylcholinesterase depression among farm workers in Nepal
  33. Pesticide use in agriculture: The philosophy, complexities and opportunities
  34. Health and environmental costs of pesticide use in vegetable farming in Nepal
  35. Mancozeb: growing risk for agricultural communities?
  36. Continuing Issues in the Limitations of Pesticide Use in Developing Countries
  37. Health costs from short-term exposure to pesticides in Nepal
  38. Developing a sustainable agro-system for central Nepal using reduced tillage and straw mulching
  39. Probabilistic assessment of acute health symptoms related to pesticide use under intensified Nepalese agriculture
  40. Farmers’ willingness to pay for community integrated pest management training in Nepal
  41. Pesticide use knowledge and practices: A gender differences in Nepal
  42. Health costs of pesticide use in a vegetable growing area, central mid-hills, Nepal
  43. Bacterial contamination of drinking water and the economic burden of illnesses for the Nepalese households
  44. Applications of reduced tillage in hills of central Nepal