All Stories

  1. In the line of disaster: preparedness and effective response of academic libraries in Malaysia
  2. Empirical validation of IR sustainability model: leveraging on a PLS-SEM approach
  3. Students’ perceptual quality standards for judging knowledge quality: Development and validation of a perceived e-learning knowledge quality scale
  4. succession planning in libraries
  5. Modelling web-based library service quality and user loyalty in the context of a developing country
  6. Perceived learning outcomes from Moodle
  7. What role does knowledge quality play in online students’ satisfaction, learning and loyalty? An empirical investigation in an eLearning context
  8. The influence of learning value on learning management system use: An extension of UTAUT2
  9. Knowledge quality
  10. Information Literacy at the Workplace: A Suggested Model for a Developing Country
  11. LIS journals scientific impact and subject categorization: a comparison between Web of Science and Scopus
  12. Modeling Web-based library service quality
  13. Customer service for academic library users on the web
  14. Quality Management of Reference Services in Malaysian Public University Libraries