All Stories

  1. Seasonal Changes in Arctic Aerosols and Organic Matter Influence
  2. Trace Level Determination of Saccharides in Pristine Marine Aerosols by Gas Chromatography—Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  3. New particle formation events observed at King Sejong Station, Antarctic Peninsula – Part 1: Physical characteristics and contribution to cloud condensation nuclei
  4. New particle formation events observed at the King Sejong Station, Antarctic Peninsula – Part 2: Link with the oceanic biological activities
  5. Simultaneous measurements of aerosol size distributions at three sites in the European high Arctic
  6. Size-Segregated Chemical Compositions of HULISs in Ambient Aerosols Collected during the Winter Season in Songdo, South Korea
  7. Reviews and syntheses: Ocean iron fertilization experiments – past, present, and future looking to a future Korean Iron Fertilization Experiment in the Southern Ocean (KIFES) project
  8. First Investigation of Microbial Community Composition in the Bridge (Gadeok Channel) between the Jinhae-Masan Bay and the South Sea of Korea
  9. Hypoxia in Korean Coastal Waters: A Case Study of the Natural Jinhae Bay and Artificial Shihwa Bay
  10. Atmospheric DMS in the Arctic Ocean and Its Relation to Phytoplankton Biomass
  11. Free amino acids in the Arctic snow and ice core samples: Potential markers for paleoclimatic studies
  12. Seasonal variations in physical characteristics of aerosol particles at the King Sejong Station, Antarctic Peninsula
  13. Observational evidence for the formation of DMS-derived aerosols during Arctic phytoplankton blooms
  14. Arctic sea ice melt leads to atmospheric new particle formation
  15. Spatial and temporal variabilities of spring Asian dust events and their impacts on chlorophyll‐a concentrations in the western North Pacific Ocean
  16. Effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on the production and biodegradability of organic matter: An in-situ mesocosm experiment
  17. An analytical system enabling consistent and long-term measurement of atmospheric dimethyl sulfide
  18. Estimating Remineralized Phosphate and Its Remineralization Rate in the Northern East China Sea During Summer 1997: A Snapshot Study Before Three-Gorges Dam Construction
  19. Pyrosequencing Revealed SAR116 Clade as Dominant dddP-Containing Bacteria in Oligotrophic NW Pacific Ocean
  20. Feeding by the newly described mixotrophic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium smaydae: Feeding mechanism, prey species, and effect of prey concentration
  21. Direct Linkage between Dimethyl Sulfide Production and Microzooplankton Grazing, Resulting from Prey Composition Change under High Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide Conditions
  22. Improved Method for Minimizing Sulfur Loss in Analysis of Particulate Organic Sulfur
  23. Enhancement of photosynthetic carbon assimilation efficiency by phytoplankton in the future coastal ocean
  24. Linking atmospheric dimethyl sulfide and the Arctic Ocean spring bloom
  25. Prey‐dependent retention of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) by mixotrophic dinoflagellates
  26. Enhanced Production of Oceanic Dimethylsulfide Resulting from CO2-Induced Grazing Activity in a High CO2 World
  27. High‐frequency, accurate measurement of dimethylsulfide in surface marine environments using a microporous membrane contactor
  28. Sulfur hexafluoride as a complementary method for measuring the extent of point-source thermal effluents