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  1. Apolitical Belonging
  2. Introduction
  3. Theoretical Underpinnings
  4. Political Belonging
  5. Political Non-Belonging
  6. (A-)Political Belonging
  7. Synthesis and Conclusion
  8. Getting Back With ta, Your (Homosexual) Partner – Chain Post Discourse Discussion
  9. Deviant or Conventional? Constructing Gender Identities in China and at Large
  10. Who Is ta? A Comparison of Pro- and Anti-LGBTQ Community Usage
  11. How do Chinese langauge users understand genderless third person pronoun ta?
  12. Constructing identity through words and body movements.
  13. Genderless pronoun makes stories more relatable in Chinese social media
  14. Using Pronouns to Tailor Social Media Content for Audiences
  15. Chinese third person pronoun change in the internet