All Stories

  1. Research note: A summary of peer-mediated AAC intervention outcomes for preschoolers with ASD
  2. How a peer partner SGD intervention can increase communication repertoires of preschoolers with ASD
  3. Erratum
  4. Application of the Communication Complexity Scale in Peer and Adult Assessment Contexts for Preschoolers With Autism Spectrum Disorders
  5. Peer-mediation and speech-generating devices can improve communication of preschoolers with ASD
  6. Coaching Peer Partners to Communicate with Children with ASD using a Speech Generating Device
  7. Teaching Peers to use PECS to Communicate With Preschoolers with Autism
  8. Integrating Written Text and Graphic Cues Into Peer-Mediated Interventions: Effects on Reciprocal Social Communication Skills
  9. Effectiveness of peer network interventions in kindergarten and 1st grade for children with ASD
  10. Vocal Interaction Between Children With Down Syndrome and Their Parents
  11. The Use of Peer Networks to Increase Communicative Acts of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
  12. Predicting Language Outcomes for Children Learning Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Child and Environmental Factors
  13. Development of the Communication Complexity Scale
  14. Come Play With Me
  15. Symbolic Play of Preschoolers with Severe Communication Impairments with Autism and Other Developmental Delays: More Similarities than Differences
  16. Instruction using the Picture Exchange Communication System appears to enhance generalization of communication skills among children with autism in comparison to Responsive Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching
  17. Assessing Children's Home Language Environments using LENA
  18. Navigating the Transition to Middle School: Peer Network Programming for Students With Autism
  19. Peer-Mediated Social Communication Intervention
  20. Effects of Peer Training and Written Text Cueing on Social Communication of School-Age Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  21. Social stories, written text cues, and video feedback: effects on social communication of children with autism.