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  1. Constraints on motor planning across the life span: Physical, cognitive, and motor factors.
  2. The “why” of reaching: Second-order planning across the adult lifespan.
  3. The use of visually guided behaviour in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) when crossing a virtual road
  4. Performance Under Varying Constraints in Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): Difficulties and Compensations
  5. When an Object Appears Unexpectedly: Object Circumvention in Adults
  6. The Role of Movement Variability and Action Experience in the Perceptual Judgment of Passability
  7. Navigating through apertures: perceptual judgements and actions of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  8. Visual perceptual and handwriting skills in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  9. Modeling the Maturation of Grip Selection Planning and Action Representation: Insights from Typical and Atypical Motor Development
  10. Level walking in adults with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder: An analysis of movement variability
  11. How Do I Fit through That Gap? Navigation through Apertures in Adults with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder
  12. An examination of writing pauses in the handwriting of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  13. Grip selection for sequential movements in children and adults with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder
  14. Influences of grasp selection in typically developing children
  15. Motor learning in adults
  16. Handwriting speed in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Are they really slower?
  17. Does Implicit Motor Imagery Ability Predict Reaching Correction Efficiency? A Test of Recent Models of Human Motor Control
  18. To throw or to place: does onward intention affect how a child reaches for an object?
  19. Reaching to throw compared to reaching to place: A comparison across individuals with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder
  20. Constraints and facilitators to participation in physical activity in teenagers with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder: an exploratory interview study
  21. Reduced looming sensitivity in primary school children with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
  22. Roadside judgments in children with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
  23. Locomotor behaviour of children while navigating through apertures
  24. Locomotor adjustments when navigating through apertures
  25. Selection and assessment of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  26. The Use of Prescanning in the Parameterization of Sequential Pointing and Reaching Movements
  27. The use of predictive information is impaired in the actions of children and young adults with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  28. Texture segmentation in Williams syndrome
  29. Attention disengagement in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  30. How active gaze informs the hand in sequential pointing movements