All Stories

  1. Could Country-Level Factors Explain Sex Differences in Dementia Incidence and Prevalence? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  2. Association between decision-making under risk conditions and on-road driving safety among older drivers.
  3. Gender differences in cognitive development in cohorts of young, middle, and older adulthood over 12 years.
  4. Future Directions for Dementia Risk Reduction and Prevention Research: An International Research Network on Dementia Prevention Consensus
  5. Global evidence on risk factors for dementia
  6. Blood pressure and dementia
  7. Alcohol and dementia — risk or protective factor?
  8. Longitudinal Assessment of Hippocampal Atrophy in Midlife and Early Old Age: Contrasting Manual Tracing and Semi-automated Segmentation (FreeSurfer)
  9. Brain atrophy in ageing: Estimating effects of blood glucose levels vs. other type 2 diabetes effects
  10. Effect of Speed of Processing Training on Older Driver Screening Measures
  11. Tailored and Adaptive Computerized Cognitive Training in Older Adults at Risk for Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  12. The epidemiology of driving in later life: Sociodemographic, health and functional characteristics, predictors of incident cessation, and driving expectations
  13. Prevalence estimates of mild behavioral impairment in a population-based sample of pre-dementia states and cognitively healthy older adults
  14. Joining forces to prevent dementia: The International Research Network On Dementia Prevention (IRNDP)
  15. Differential associations between sensory loss and neuropsychiatric symptoms in adults with and without a neurocognitive disorder
  16. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Cognitive Impairment: Understanding the Importance of Co-Morbid Symptoms
  17. Increasing Body Mass Index at Midlife is Associated with Increased Cortical Thinning in Alzheimer’s Disease-Vulnerable Regions
  18. The effect of perceived control on self-reported cardiovascular disease incidence across adulthood and old age
  19. The association between Western and Prudent dietary patterns and fasting blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes and normal glucose metabolism in older Australian adults
  20. Personality and Total Health Through Life Project Eye Substudy: Methodology and Baseline Retinal Features
  21. Assessment of Driving Safety in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment
  22. Collaborative meta-analysis finds no evidence of a strong interaction between stress and 5-HTTLPR genotype contributing to the development of depression
  23. Anxiety and comorbid depression following traumatic brain injury in a community-based sample of young, middle-aged and older adults
  24. Age-related cognitive decline and associations with sex, education and apolipoprotein E genotype across ethnocultural groups and geographic regions: a collaborative cohort study
  25. Evaluation of a research diagnostic algorithm for DSM-5 neurocognitive disorders in a population-based cohort of older adults
  26. Validating the role of the Australian National University Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Index (ANU-ADRI) and a genetic risk score in progression to cognitive impairment in a population-based cohort of older adults followed for 12 years
  27. Proportion of dementia in Australia explained by common modifiable risk factors
  28. Prevalence of undiagnosed dementia in the community
  29. Higher Fasting Plasma Glucose is Associated with Increased Cortical Thinning Over 12 Years: The PATH Through Life Study
  30. Association ofAKAP6andMIR2113with cognitive performance in a population-based sample of older adults
  31. Updating the Evidence on the Association between Serum Cholesterol and Risk of Late-Life Dementia: Review and Meta-Analysis
  32. Cancer and Cognitive Function: The PATH Through Life Project
  33. Common Cause Theory in Aging
  34. Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA)
  35. Informant-Reported Cognitive Decline and Activity Engagement across Four Years in a Community Sample
  36. Memory Resilience to Alzheimer’s Genetic Risk: Sex Effects in Predictor Profiles
  37. Evaluating and Using Observational Evidence: The Contrasting Views of Policy Makers and Epidemiologists
  38. A longitudinal examination of the relationship between cannabis use and cognitive function in mid-life adults
  39. Comparison of a Virtual Older Driver Assessment with an On-Road Driving Test
  40. Evidence-based occupational therapy for people with dementia and their families: What clinical practice guidelines tell us and implications for practice
  41. Associations between corpus callosum size and ADHD symptoms in older adults: The PATH through life study
  42. Social Dancing and Incidence of Falls in Older Adults: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
  43. Association of AKAP6 and MIR2113 with cognitive performance in a population based sample of older adults
  44. ANU-ADRI and not Genetic Risk score predicts MCI in a cohort of older adults followed for 12 years
  45. Late Onset Alzheimer's disease risk variants in cognitive decline: The PATH Through Life Study
  46. Relationship Between Antihypertensive Medications and Cognitive Impairment: Part I. Review of Human Studies and Clinical Trials
  47. Cortical Thinning at Midlife: The PATH Through Life Study
  54. Assessing reliability of short and tick box forms of the ANU-ADRI: Convenient alternatives of a self-report Alzheimer's disease risk assessment
  55. A Critical Review of Grading Systems: Implications for Public Health Policy
  56. Exposure to air pollution and cognitive functioning across the life course – A systematic literature review
  57. Higher fasting plasma glucose is associated with striatal and hippocampal shape differences: the 2sweet project
  58. Association of genetic risk factors with cognitive decline: the PATH through life project
  59. Clinical practice guidelines for dementia in Australia
  60. Psychological Resilience Provides No Independent Protection From Suicidal Risk
  61. Concurrent lifestyle risk factors: Clusters and determinants in an Australian sample
  62. Age-related cortical thinning in cognitively healthy individuals in their 60s: the PATH Through Life study
  63. Cognitive Benefits of Social Dancing and Walking in Old Age: The Dancing Mind Randomized Controlled Trial
  64. Road safety in an aging population: risk factors, assessment, interventions, and future directions
  65. An examination of the long-term impact of job strain on mental health and wellbeing over a 12-year period
  66. The Economics of Cognitive Impairment: Volunteering and Cognitive Function in the HILDA Survey
  67. Predictors of future stroke in adults 60-64 years living in the community
  68. The Effect of Diabetes Medication on Cognitive Function: Evidence from the PATH Through Life Study
  69. Genetic factors moderate everyday physical activity effects on executive functions in aging: Evidence from the Victoria Longitudinal Study.
  70. A Longitudinal Analysis of General Practitioner Service Use by Patients with Mild Cognitive Disorders in Australia
  71. Hypertension, antihypertensive treatment and cancer incidence and mortality
  72. Dementia risk estimates associated with measures of depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  73. Alzheimer's genetic risk intensifies neurocognitive slowing associated with diabetes in nondemented older adults
  74. The metabolic syndrome and cancer: Is the metabolic syndrome useful for predicting cancer risk above and beyond its individual components?
  75. Heavy cannabis users at elevated risk of stroke: evidence from a general population survey
  76. The Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Diverse Geographical and Ethnocultural Regions: The COSMIC Collaboration
  77. Estimating the Years Lived With and Without Age-Related Sensory Impairment
  78. Western diet is associated with a smaller hippocampus: a longitudinal investigation
  79. Association of cognitive function with glucose tolerance and trajectories of glucose tolerance over 12 years in the AusDiab study
  80. Is it time to go beyond randomized controlled trials?
  81. Association of Alzheimer's genetic risk factors with cognitive decline: The path through life project
  82. Validated dementia risk factor composite is associated with lower hippocampal volumes and cortical thickness
  83. Mild behavioral impairment: Association between neuropsychiatric symptoms and activities of daily living
  84. Mild behavioral impairment: Neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive function in the path through life study
  85. An Alzheimer's genetic risk composite, but not ApoE, intensifies diabetes-related neurocognitive slowing in nondemented older adults
  86. Change in day-to-day cognitive engagement following an online dementia risk reduction program: The body, brain, life study
  87. Cortical gyrification and its relationships with cortical volume, cortical thickness, and cognitive performance in healthy mid-life adults
  88. Being overweight is associated with hippocampal atrophy: the PATH Through Life Study
  89. Body brain life: A randomized controlled trial of an online dementia risk reduction intervention in middle-aged adults at risk of Alzheimer's disease
  90. ADHD Symptoms and Cognitive Abilities in the Midlife Cohort of the PATH Through Life Study
  91. Objective Assessment Of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour And Sleep In Older Australians
  92. Hippocampal Atrophy Is Associated with Subjective Memory Decline: The PATH Through Life Study
  93. Comparison of anthropometric measures as predictors of cancer incidence: A pooled collaborative analysis of 11 Australian cohorts
  94. Does reverse causality explain the relationship between diet and depression?
  95. Life Expectancy with and without Cognitive Impairment in Seven Latin American and Caribbean Countries
  96. Subjective Beliefs, Memory and Functional Health: Change and Associations over 12 Years in the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing
  97. A qualitative study of older and middle-aged adults' perception and attitudes towards dementia and dementia risk reduction
  98. Interactive Effect of APOE Genotype and Blood Pressure on Cognitive Decline: The PATH Through Life Study
  99. Role of Dietary Pattern Analysis in Determining Cognitive Status in Elderly Australian Adults
  100. Adapting to Retirement Community Life: Changes in Social Networks and Perceived Loneliness
  101. Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA)
  102. Integrity of the grey/white matter border is associated with cognitive performance in ageing: The PATH Through Life Project.
  103. An Australian survey of cognitive health beliefs, intentions, and behaviours through the adult life course
  104. Target risk factors for dementia prevention: a systematic review and Delphi consensus study on the evidence from observational studies
  105. Developing Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in Australia
  106. Longitudinal associations between activity and cognition vary by age, activity type, and cognitive domain.
  107. Applying a cumulative deficit model of frailty to dementia: progress and future challenges
  108. The relationship between age-stereotypes and health locus of control across adult age-groups
  109. Contributions of a Risk Assessment Approach to the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
  110. Does Resilience Predict Suicidality? A Lifespan Analysis
  111. Non-pharmacological strategies to delay cognitive decline
  112. Longitudinal Studies and Clinical Geropsychology
  113. Examination of the association between mental health, morbidity, and mortality in late life: findings from longitudinal community surveys
  114. Rising Midlife Obesity Will Worsen Future Prevalence of Dementia
  115. Blood Pressure, Brain Structure, and Cognition: Opposite Associations in Men and Women
  116. The influence of smoking, sedentary lifestyle and obesity on cognitive impairment-free life expectancy
  117. The utility of estimating population-level trajectories of terminal wellbeing decline within a growth mixture modelling framework
  122. Gender differences in alcohol consumption among middle-aged and older adults in Australia, the United States and Korea
  123. Development of the Motivation to Change Lifestyle and Health Behaviours for Dementia Risk Reduction Scale
  124. Role of Physical Activity in the Relationship Between Mastery and Functional Health
  125. Using sulcal and gyral measures of brain structure to investigate benefits of an active lifestyle
  126. Long-Term Cognitive Correlates of Traumatic Brain Injury across Adulthood and Interactions with APOE Genotype, Sex, and Age Cohorts
  127. An examination of the effects of intra and inter-individual changes in wellbeing and mental health on self-rated health in a population study of middle and older-aged adults
  128. Renin-Angiotensin System Genetic Polymorphisms and Brain White Matter Lesions in Older Australians
  129. Preserved Differentiation Between Physical Activity and Cognitive Performance Across Young, Middle, and Older Adulthood Over 8 Years
  130. Regional Brain Volumes and ADHD Symptoms in Middle-Aged Adults: The PATH Through Life Study
  131. Dietary Patterns and Depressive Symptoms over Time: Examining the Relationships with Socioeconomic Position, Health Behaviours and Cardiovascular Risk
  132. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Cognitive Abilities in the Late-Life Cohort of the PATH through Life Study
  133. A Self-Report Risk Index to Predict Occurrence of Dementia in Three Independent Cohorts of Older Adults: The ANU-ADRI
  134. The Impact of Age Stereotypes on Older Adults’ Hazard Perception Performance and Driving Confidence
  135. Dietary Mineral Intake and Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment: The PATH through Life Project
  136. Optimizing cognitive development over the life course and preventing cognitive decline: Introducing the Cognitive Health Environment Life Course Model (CHELM)
  137. Trajectories of terminal decline in the well-being of older women: The DYNOPTA project.
  138. Intraindividual variability is a fundamental phenomenon of aging: Evidence from an 8-year longitudinal study across young, middle, and older adulthood.
  139. Relating Education, Brain Structure, and Cognition: The Role of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
  140. Cognitive development over 8 years in midlife and its association with cardiovascular risk factors.
  141. The effect of health behavior change on self-rated health across the adult life course: A longitudinal cohort study
  142. Positive and negative social exchanges and cognitive aging in young-old adults: Differential associations across family, friend, and spouse domains.
  143. Cognitive ability, intraindividual variability, and common genetic variants of catechol-O-methyltransferase and brain-derived neurotrophic factor: A longitudinal study in a population-based sample of older adults.
  144. Self-Reported History of Chemotherapy and Cognitive Decline in Adults Aged 60 and Older: The PATH Through Life Project
  145. COSMIC (Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium): An international consortium to identify risk and protective factors and biomarkers of cognitive ageing and dementia in diverse ethnic and sociocultural groups
  146. Spatial False Discovery Rate Control for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies
  147. Characterizing mild cognitive disorders in the young-old over 8 years: Prevalence, estimated incidence, stability of diagnosis, and impact on IADLs
  148. Sensorimotor and Postural Control Factors Associated With Driving Safety in a Community-Dwelling Older Driver Population
  149. Thirty years of the United Nations and global ageing: An Australian perspective
  150. Is exposure to secondhand smoke associated with cognitive parameters of children and adolescents?-a systematic literature review
  151. High “Normal” Blood Glucose Is Associated with Decreased Brain Volume and Cognitive Performance in the 60s: The PATH through Life Study
  152. Utility of Intraindividual Reaction Time Variability to Predict White Matter Hyperintensities: A Potential Assessment Tool for Clinical Contexts?
  153. APOE Genotype and Cognitive Change in Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults Living in the Community
  154. Gender differences in the trajectories of late-life depressive symptomology and probable depression in the years prior to death
  155. P3–163: Dietary minerals and risk of MCI
  156. The Body, Brain, Life program: Baseline characteristics of an online multi-domain intervention to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease
  157. Can social dancing prevent falls in older adults? a protocol of the Dance, Aging, Cognition, Economics (DAnCE) fall prevention randomised controlled trial
  158. Risk factors for chronic disease in young, midlife and older adults: the PATH Through Life study
  159. Sex differences in cortical thickness in middle aged and early old-aged adults: Personality and Total Health Through Life study
  160. Living Alone and Risk of Mortality in Older, Community-Dwelling Adults
  161. Alcohol, hospital admissions, and falls in older adults: a longitudinal evaluation
  162. Longitudinal Change of Self-Perceptions of Aging and Mortality
  163. Development of a New Method for Assessing Global Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease for Use in Population Health Approaches to Prevention
  164. Measurement and methodology in data synthesis research: Commentary on Roizen et al. ()
  165. Co-morbidity of depression and anxiety in common age-related eye diseases: a population-based study of 662 adults
  166. Dual Sensory Loss and Depressive Symptoms: The Importance of Hearing, Daily Functioning, and Activity Engagement
  167. Could ignoring higher blood sugar levels in the normal range in nondiabetics compromise cerebral health?
  168. Evaluation of screening tests for predicting older driver performance and safety assessed by an on-road test
  169. A 12-week multidomain intervention versus active control to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  170. Cross-national gender differences in the socioeconomic factors associated with smoking in Australia, the United States of America and South Korea
  171. Considering relocation to a retirement village: Predictors from a community sample
  172. Higher normal fasting plasma glucose is associated with hippocampal atrophy: The PATH Study
  173. Online memory screening – are older adults interested and can it work?
  174. Stability and change in level of probable depression and depressive symptoms in a sample of middle and older-aged adults
  175. A simple measure with complex determinants: investigation of the correlates of self-rated health in older men and women from three continents
  176. Alcohol and smoking consumption behaviours in older Australian adults: prevalence, period and socio-demographic differentials in the DYNOPTA sample
  177. What are older adults seeking? Factors encouraging or discouraging retirement village living
  178. Not All Older Adults Have Insight Into Their Driving Abilities: Evidence From an On-road Assessment and Implications for Policy
  179. Subjective memory difficulties are associated with hippocampal atrophy over four years: The Path Through Life Study
  180. Validation of a self-report assessment tool to predict risk of Alzheimer's disease
  181. Multidomain intervention to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in adults at risk: The body, brain, life program
  182. Determinants of Retirement Timing Expectations in the United States and Australia: A Cross-National Comparison of the Effects of Health and Retirement Benefit Policies on Retirement Timing Decisions
  183. The Mediterranean Diet is Not Related to Cognitive Change in a Large Prospective Investigation: The PATH Through Life Study
  184. APOE Genotype and Entorhinal Cortex Volume in Non-Demented Community-Dwelling Adults in Midlife and Early Old Age
  185. Memory and Aging
  186. Olfactory impairment is associated with functional disability and reduced independence among older adults
  187. Changing topological patterns in normal aging using large-scale structural networks
  188. Evaluating a Dichotomized Measure of Self-Reported Hearing Loss Against Gold Standard Audiometry
  189. Normative data and longitudinal invariance of the Life Engagement Test (LET) in a community sample of older adults
  190. Right, left, and center: How does cerebral asymmetry mix with callosal connectivity?
  191. Positive components of mental health provide significant protection against likelihood of falling in older women over a 13-year period
  192. Cognitive, Health, and Sociodemographic Predictors of Longitudinal Decline in Hearing Acuity Among Older Adults
  193. Combining longitudinal studies showed prevalence of disease differed throughout older adulthood
  194. The role of cognitive and visual abilities as predictors in the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety
  195. Alcohol use and depression from middle age to the oldest old: gender is more important than age
  196. A Population-Based Study of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Associated Impairment in Middle-Aged Adults
  197. The relationship between change in self-perceptions of aging and physical functioning in older adults.
  198. Change in health and self-perceptions of aging over 16 years: The role of psychological resources.
  199. Self-Reported Cognitive Decline on the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly Is Associated with Dementia, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Depression but Not Longitudinal Cognitive Change
  200. Social Networks and Memory over 15 Years of Followup in a Cohort of Older Australians: Results from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing
  201. Trends in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia in the Asian-Pacific Region
  202. Activity engagement is related to level, but not change in cognitive ability across adulthood.
  203. Deriving prevalence estimates of depressive symptoms throughout middle and old age in those living in the community
  204. Mixed handedness is associated with greater age‐related decline in volumes of the hippocampus and amygdala: the PATH through life study
  205. Older drivers’ insight into their hazard perception ability
  206. The global financial crisis and psychological health in a sample of Australian older adults: A longitudinal study
  207. Understanding ageing in older Australians: The contribution of the Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA) project to the evidence base and policy
  208. Olfactory Impairment in Older Adults Is Associated With Depressive Symptoms and Poorer Quality of Life Scores
  209. Indigenous Australians are under-represented in longitudinal ageing studies
  210. O4‐01‐02: Mild cogitive impairment in the 60s
  211. Caloric intake, but not the Mediterranean diet, is associated with cognition and mild cognitive impairment
  212. Association of PON2 Ser311Cys Polymorphism with Brain White Matter Lesions
  213. Multiple imputation was an efficient method for harmonizing the Mini-Mental State Examination with missing item-level data
  214. Does possession of apolipoprotein E ɛ4 benefit cognitive function in healthy young adults?
  215. DRD4-exonIII-VNTR Moderates the Effect of Childhood Adversities on Emotional Resilience in Young-Adults
  216. The association between financial hardship and amygdala and hippocampal volumes: results from the PATH through life project
  217. Optimal weights for local multi-atlas fusion using supervised learning and dynamic information (SuperDyn): Validation on hippocampus segmentation
  218. Health literacy of older drivers and the importance of health experience for self-regulation of driving behaviour
  219. Body mass index in midlife and late-life as a risk factor for dementia: a meta-analysis of prospective studies
  220. Help-seeking and service use for dementia in Italian, Greek and Chinese Australians
  221. Functional equivalence of the National Adult Reading Test (NART) and Schonell reading tests and NART norms in the Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA) project
  222. Relationships between cognitive function and frontal grey matter volumes and thickness in middle aged and early old-aged adults: The PATH Through Life Study
  223. Prevalence of suicidal behaviours in two Australian general population surveys: methodological considerations when comparing across studies
  224. Interventions for Midlife Smoking Cessation: A Literature Review
  225. Lifetime cigarette smoking is associated with striatal volume measures
  226. Subjective Well-Being Mediates the Effects of Resilience and Mastery on Depression and Anxiety in a Large Community Sample of Young and Middle-Aged Adults
  227. Cross-national insights into the relationship between wealth and wellbeing: a comparison between Australia, the United States of America and South Korea
  228. Cohort Profile: The PATH through life project
  229. Examining the SF-36 in an older population: analysis of data and presentation of Australian adult reference scores from the Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA) project
  230. Age-Based Testing for Driver's License Renewal: Potential Implications for Older Australians
  231. Disability and Depressive Symptoms in Later Life: The Stress-Buffering Role of Informal and Formal Support
  232. Hippocampal sulcal cavities: Prevalence, risk factors and relationship to memory impairment
  233. Chronological age and age-related cognitive deficits are associated with an increase in multiple types of driving errors in late life.
  234. Subjective Health and Memory Predictors of Mild Cognitive Disorders and Cognitive Decline in Ageing: The Personality and Total Health (PATH) through Life Study
  235. Depressive symptoms predict decline in perceptual speed in older adulthood.
  236. Simulated Cataract and Low Contrast Stimuli Impair Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Implications for Neuropsychological Assessment and Everyday Function
  237. Simulated Visual Impairment Leads to Cognitive Slowing in Older Adults
  238. Cognitive Deficits Are Associated with Frontal and Temporal Lobe White Matter Lesions in Middle-Aged Adults Living in the Community
  239. Cognitive performance and leukocyte telomere length in two narrow age-range cohorts: a population study
  240. When more is less: Associations between corpus callosum size and handedness lateralization
  241. Neuropsychological Predictors of Transition From Healthy Cognitive Aging to Mild Cognitive Impairment: The PATH Through Life Study
  242. Estimates of probable dementia prevalence from population-based surveys compared with dementia prevalence estimates based on meta-analyses
  243. P3‐264: Modifiable risk factors for dementia interact with APOE and sex to predict hippocampal atrophy
  244. Functional biomarkers as predictors of conversion from normal cognitive function to pre-clinical dementia syndromes: The path through life study
  245. Factors that Explain the Poorer Mental Health of Caregivers: Results from a Community Survey of Older Australians
  246. The development and validation of two complementary measures of drivers’ hazard perception ability
  247. Baseline factors predictive of serious suicidality at follow-up: findings focussing on age and gender from a community-based study
  249. The crash involvement of older drivers is associated with their hazard perception latencies
  250. The choice of self-rated health measures matter when predicting mortality: evidence from 10 years follow-up of the Australian longitudinal study of ageing
  251. The Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Testing the invariance of a uni-dimensional resilience measure that is independent of positive and negative affect
  252. Incidence of self-reported brain injury and the relationship with substance abuse: findings from a longitudinal community survey
  253. An epidemiological study of falls in older community-dwelling women: the Randwick falls and fractures study
  254. Is it wine, alcohol in general, or the social context of alcohol drinking that confers health benefits?
  255. Age differences in psychosocial predictors of positive and negative affect: A longitudinal investigation of young, midlife, and older adults.
  256. Patterns of longitudinal change in older adults’ self-rated health: The effect of the point of reference.
  257. Recognition, Attitudes and Causal Beliefs regarding Dementia in Italian, Greek and Chinese Australians
  258. Mild cognitive disorders are associated with different patterns of brain asymmetry than normal aging: the PATH through life study
  259. Level of cognitive performance as a correlate and predictor of health behaviors that protect against cognitive decline in late life: The path through life study
  260. Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Life Events as Antecedents of Depressive Symptoms in Middle and Early-Old Age: Path Through Life Study
  261. The On-Road Difficulties of Older Drivers and Their Relationship with Self-Reported Motor Vehicle Crashes
  262. Older Drivers in Australia: Trends in Driving Status and Cognitive and Visual Impairment
  263. Conversion to mild cognitive impairment: Predictors in a large longitudinal study of ageing
  264. Impact of simulated visual impairment on the cognitive test performance of young adults
  265. Prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of lacunar infarcts in a community sample
  266. Alcohol Consumption as a Risk Factor for Dementia and Cognitive Decline: Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies
  267. Sex differences in the causes and consequences of white matter hyperintensities
  268. Authors' response to: Commentary on Low and Anstey: Cross-cultural findings and insights
  269. Corrigendum to “Light to moderate alcohol use is associated with increased cortical gray matter in middle-aged men: A voxel-based morphometric study” [Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 163(1) (2008) 61–69]
  270. In Vivo Hippocampal Measurement and Memory: A Comparison of Manual Tracing and Automated Segmentation in a Large Community-Based Sample
  271. White matter hyperintensities in the forties: Their prevalence and topography in an epidemiological sample aged 44-48
  272. Education, Atrophy, and Cognitive Change in an Epidemiological Sample in Early Old Age
  273. Is Suicidality Distinguishable from Depression? Evidence from a Community-Based Sample
  274. Comparison of Self-Reported Crashes, State Crash Records and an On-Road Driving Assessment in a Population-Based Sample of Drivers Aged 69-95 Years
  275. Cohort profile: The Dynamic Analyses to Optimize Ageing (DYNOPTA) project
  276. Dementia literacy: Recognition and beliefs on dementia of the Australian public
  277. "Dynamic links of cognitive functioning among married couples: Longitudinal evidence from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing": Correction to Gerstorf, Hoppmann, Anstey, and Luszcz (2009).
  278. Different cognitive profiles for single compared with recurrent fallers without dementia.
  279. Risk Factors of Transition from Normal Cognition to Mild Cognitive Disorder: The PATH through Life Study
  280. Dynamic links of cognitive functioning among married couples: Longitudinal evidence from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
  281. Association of Type 2 Diabetes With Depression, Brain Atrophy, and Reduced Fine Motor Speed in a 60- to 64-Year-Old Community Sample
  282. Use of medications with anticholinergic properties and cognitive function in a young‐old community sample
  283. A Longitudinal Investigation of Perceived Control and Cognitive Performance in Young, Midlife and Older Adults
  284. Determinants of Self-Rated Health Items With Different Points of Reference
  285. Hippocampal volume is positively associated with behavioural inhibition (BIS) in a large community-based sample of mid-life adults: the PATH through life study
  286. The association of APOE genotype and cognitive decline in interaction with risk factors in a 65–69 year old community sample
  287. P1‐337: Incidental lacunar infarcts, brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensities in a community population: The path through life study
  288. IC‐P3‐210: White matter hyperintensities are related to cognitive and motor function in middle‐aged healthy individuals
  289. A Multidomain Approach for Predicting Older Driver Safety Under In-Traffic Road Conditions
  290. Cholesterol as a Risk Factor for Dementia and Cognitive Decline: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies With Meta-Analysis
  291. Problems identifying odours predicts mild cognitive impairment in the elderly
  292. Behavioral approach and behavioral inhibition as moderators of the association between negative life events and perceived control in midlife
  293. Screening for dementia: a review of self- and informant-assessment instruments
  294. The International Network on Public Health and Aging (INOPA): Introducing a Life Course Perspective to the Public Health Agenda
  295. Alcohol Exposure and Cognitive Development: An Example of Why We Need a Contextualized, Dynamic Life Course Approach to Cognitive Ageing – A Mini-Review
  296. Follow-Up of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Related Disorders over Four Years in Adults in Their Sixties: The PATH Through Life Study
  297. DIY dementia screening and online assessment tools
  298. Hippocampus and amygdala volumes in a random community-based sample of 60–64 year olds and their relationship to cognition
  299. Neuroimaging and APOE Genotype: A Systematic Qualitative Review
  300. Sex differences in regional gray matter in healthy individuals aged 44–48 years: A voxel-based morphometric study
  301. Smoking as a Risk Factor for Dementia and Cognitive Decline: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies
  302. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Depression in a Longitudinal, Population-Based Study Including Individuals in the Community and Residential Care
  304. Our correct use of ANCOVA yields acceptable results
  305. Age and Gender Differences Among Australian Suicide Ideators
  306. The Public’s Perception of the Plausibility of Dementia Risk Factors Is Not Influenced by Scientific Evidence
  307. Corpus callosum size, reaction time speed and variability in mild cognitive disorders and in a normative sample
  308. Retirement and the Sense of Control in Young-Old Adults: The Mediating Role of Engagement in Goal-Directed Activities
  309. APOE genotype and cognitive functioning in a large age-stratified population sample.
  310. White matter hyperintensities and within-person variability in community-dwelling adults aged 60–64 years
  311. Prevalence, risk factors and treatment for substance abuse in older adults
  312. The impact of cataract surgery on visual functioning, vision-related disability and psychological distress: a randomized controlled trial
  313. The Brain Reserve Hypothesis, Brain Atrophy and Aging
  314. Behavioural and cognitive behavioural therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents
  315. Effects of cerebrovascular risk factors on gray matter volume in adults aged 60–64 years: A voxel-based morphometric study
  316. The effect of cataract surgery on neuropsychological test performance: A randomized controlled trial
  317. Measuring physical and mental health using the SF-12: implications for community surveys of mental health
  318. Weekly Alcohol Consumption, Brain Atrophy, and White Matter Hyperintensities in a Community-Based Sample Aged 60 to 64 Years
  319. Measuring Physical and Mental Health using the SF-12: Implications for Community Surveys of Mental Health
  320. Interventions to reduce the adverse psychosocial impact of driving cessation on older adults
  321. Hopelessness, demoralization and suicidal behaviour: the backdrop to welfare reform in Australia
  322. An 8-Year Prospective Study of the Relationship Between Cognitive Performance and Falling in Very Old Adults
  323. Hopelessness, Demoralization and Suicidal Behaviour: the Backdrop to Welfare Reform in Australia
  324. Response to Yucel and MacQueen's letter to the editor
  325. Factors distinguishing suicide attempters from suicide ideators in a community sample: social issues and physical health problems
  326. Psychological distress and visual functioning in relation to vision-related disability in older individuals with cataracts
  327. Mental health and the timing of Men’s retirement
  328. Hormone replacement therapy and cognition in an Australian representative sample aged 60–64 years
  329. Retirement and mental health: Analysis of the Australian national survey of mental health and well-being
  330. Between- and Within-Individual Effects of Visual Contrast Sensitivity on Perceptual Matching, Processing Speed, and Associative Memory in Older Adults
  331. Gray matter reduction is correlated with white matter hyperintensity volume: A voxel-based morphometric study in a large epidemiological sample
  332. The Relationship Between Cognition and Mortality in Patients with Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease, or Cancer
  333. Hormone replacement therapy and cognitive performance in postmenopausal women—a review by cognitive domain
  334. Hormone replacement therapy, brain volumes and white matter in postmenopausal women aged 60???64 years
  335. Predicting Driving Cessation over 5 Years in Older Adults: Psychological Well-Being and Cognitive Competence Are Stronger Predictors than Physical Health
  336. Pulmonary Function, Cognitive Impairment and Brain Atrophy in a Middle-Aged Community Sample
  337. Clinical and Neuroimaging Correlates of Mild Cognitive Impairment in a Middle-Aged Community Sample: The Personality and Total Health through Life 60+ Study
  338. Sex and symmetry differences in hippocampal volumetrics: Before and beyond the opening of the crus of the fornix
  339. Children of a cohort of depressed patients 25 years on: identifying those at risk
  340. Children of a Cohort of Depressed Patients 25 Years on: Identifying Those at Risk
  341. Lower cognitive test scores observed in alcohol abstainers are associated with demographic, personality, and biological factors: the PATH Through Life Project
  342. Non-linear relationships between cognitive function and alcohol consumption in young, middle-aged and older adults: the PATH Through Life Project
  343. Age group differences in psychological distress: the role of psychosocial risk factors that vary with age
  344. Visual Memory Testing in Older Adults with Age-Related Visual Decline: A Measure of Memory Performance or Visual Functioning?
  345. MRI Hyperintensities and Depressive Symptoms in a Community Sample of Individuals 60–64 Years Old
  346. Biomarkers, health, lifestyle, and demographic variables as correlates of reaction time performance in early, middle, and late adulthood
  347. Within-Occasion Intraindividual Variability and Preclinical Diagnostic Status: Is Intraindividual Variability an Indicator of Mild Cognitive Impairment?
  348. Cognitive, sensory and physical factors enabling driving safety in older adults
  349. Reproductive period and cognitive function in a representative sample of naturally postmenopausal women aged 60–64 years
  350. A population survey found an association between self-reports of traumatic brain injury and increased psychiatric symptoms
  351. Memory complaints in a community sample aged 60–64 years: associations with cognitive functioning, psychiatric symptoms, medical conditions, APOE genotype, hippocampus and amygdala volumes, and white-matter hyperintensities
  352. Within-Person Variability as a Dynamic Measure of Late-Life Development: New Methodologies and Future Directions
  353. Association of Pulmonary Function with Cognitive Performance in Early, Middle and Late Adulthood
  354. A community survey demonstrated cohort differences in the lifetime prevalence of self-reported head injury
  355. Children of a cohort of depressed patients 25 years later: psychopathology and relationships
  356. Longitudinal designs, methods and analysis in psychiatric research
  357. Longitudinal Designs, Methods and Analysis in Psychiatric Research
  358. Gender differences in cognitive abilities: The mediating role of health state and health habits
  359. Neuropsychological performance and dementia in depressed patients after 25-year follow-up: a controlled study
  360. The role of volumetric MRI in understanding mild cognitive impairment and similar classifications
  361. Associations of Biomarkers, Cognition and Self-Reports of Sensory Function with Self-Reported Driving Behaviour and Confidence
  362. A Latent Growth Curve Analysis of Late-Life Sensory and Cognitive Function Over 8 Years: Evidence for Specific and Common Factors Underlying Change.
  363. Cross-sectional and longitudinal patterns of dedifferentiation in late-life cognitive and sensory function: The effects of age, ability, attrition, and occasion of measurement.
  364. Visual Abilities in Older Adults Explain Age-Differences in Stroop and Fluid Intelligence but Not Face Recognition: Implications for the Vision-Cognition Connection
  365. Mortality Risk Varies According to Gender and Change in Depressive Status in Very Old Adults
  366. Mortality Risk Varies According to Gender and Change in Depressive Status in Very Old Adults
  367. Psychosocial factors, gender and late-life mortality
  368. The Interpretation of Shared Age-Related Variance among Factors in Cross-Sectional Cognitive Aging Studies
  369. Selective non-response to clinical assessment in the longitudinal study of aging: implications for estimating population levels of cognitive function and dementia
  371. Two-Year Decline in Vision but Not Hearing Is Associated with Memory Decline in Very Old Adults in a Population-Based Sample
  372. Demographic, health, cognitive, and sensory variables as predictors of mortality in very old adults.
  373. Demographic, health, cognitive, and sensory variables as predictors of mortality in very old adults.
  374. Normative Data on Neuropsychological Tests for Very Old Adults Living in Retirement Villages and Hostels
  375. Education, Activity, Health, Blood Pressure and Apolipoprotein E as Predictors of Cognitive Change in Old Age: A Review
  376. How Important is Mental Activity in Old Age?
  377. Recall of depressive episode 25 years previously
  378. Sensorimotor Variables and Forced Expiratory Volume as Correlates of Speed, Accuracy, and Variability in Reaction Time Performance in Late Adulthood
  379. The Parent Adult-Child Relationship Questionnaire (PACQ): The assessment of the relationship of adult children to their parents
  380. Construct Overlap in Resource Theories of Memory Aging
  381. Interrelationships among biological markers of aging, health, activity, acculturation, and cognitive performance in late adulthood.
  382. Interrelationships among biological markers of aging, health, activity, acculturation, and cognitive performance in late adulthood.
  383. Test-Retest Reliability of a Battery of Sensory, Motor and Physiological Measures of Aging
  384. Strength in the lower limbs, visual contrast sensitivity, and simple reaction time predict cognition in older women.
  385. Strength in the lower limbs, visual contrast sensitivity, and simple reaction time predict cognition in older women.
  386. Psychosocial Stressors, Physical Illness and the Spectrum of Depression in Elderly Inpatients
  387. Measuring human functional age: A review of empirical findings
  388. Cognitive therapy for depression in the elderly
  389. Cognitive therapy for depression in the elderly
  390. Antidepressants and the elderly: Double-blind trials 1987-1992
  391. Physiologic, health and lifestyle factors associated with femoral neck bone density in older women
  392. Management of Type 2 diabetes in Western Australian metropolitan general practice
  393. Physiological Factors Associated with Falls in Older Community-Dwelling Women
  394. Primary aging, secondary aging, and intelligence.
  395. Primary aging, secondary aging, and intelligence.
  396. From Childhood Aggression to Delinquency: Causal Pathways
  397. Treatment of depression in the elderly
  398. Cognitive Aging and Functional Biomarkers: What Do We Know, and Where to From Here?
  399. Intelligence, Education, and the Brain Reserve Hypothesis
  400. A Study of Hippocampal Shape Difference Between Genders by Efficient Hypothesis Test and Discriminative Deformation