All Stories

  1. Immediate effect of myofascial release on range of motion, pain and biceps and rectus femoris muscle activity after total knee replacement
  2. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Playing-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Brazilian Violin Players
  3. Acute effect of Kinesio Taping on knee pain and stability. Case report
  4. Effect of a physiotherapy program in patient with persistent polyarthralgia after chikungunya fever. Case report
  5. Intra-observer reliability in three-dimensional kinematic analysis of sacroiliac joint mobility
  6. Neuromuscular diseases: revisiting the "overtraining"
  7. Estereofotografia de Moirè: uma alternativa para avaliação da escoliose na saúde de escolares
  8. Relationship between early and late stages of information processing: an event-related potential study
  9. Benign fasciculations and Corticosteroid use: possible association? An update
  10. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: one or multiple causes?
  11. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: comparison of two recent international guidelines
  12. Morphological Analyisis of the Fabella in Brazilians
  13. Mobilização do osso pisiforme no tratamento da neuropraxia do nervo ulnar no canal de Guyon: relato de caso
  14. Electrophysiological analysis of a sensorimotor integration task
  15. Changes in quantitative EEG absolute power during the task of catching an object in free fall
  16. EEG spectral cohrence inter and intrahemispheric during catching object fall task
  17. Coerência espectral do eletrencefalograma em pacientes submetidos a transposição tendinosa: estudo pré e pós-operatório
  18. Aprendizagem de procedimentos e efeitos ansiolíticos: medidas eletrencefalográficas, motora e atencional