All Stories

  1. Racial Differences in Aggressive Uterine Cancer Linked to Genes and Immune Response
  2. Comparative analysis of AKT and the related biomarkers in uterine leiomyomas with MED12, HMGA2 , and FH mutations
  3. Establishment of breast tumor spheroids: An emerging research tool
  4. Paracrine Pathways in Uterine Leiomyoma Stem Cells Involve Insulinlike Growth Factor 2 and Insulin Receptor A
  5. Synuclein-γ in uterine serous carcinoma impacts survival: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group study
  6. Novel Three Dimensional Human Endocervix Cultures Respond to 28-Day Hormone Treatment
  7. Increased AKT or MEK1/2 Activity Influences Progesterone Receptor Levels and Localization in Endometriosis
  8. MK-2206, an AKT Inhibitor, Promotes Caspase-Independent Cell Death and Inhibits Leiomyoma Growth
  9. Increased Activation of the PI3K/AKT Pathway Compromises Decidualization of Stromal Cells from Endometriosis