All Stories

  1. A Metal-Free and Biotically Degradable Battery for Portable Single-Use Applications
  2. Paper-based microfluidic biofuel cell operating under glucose concentrations within physiological range
  3. Single-use paper-based hydrogen fuel cells for point-of-care diagnostic applications
  4. Paper-based enzymatic microfluidic fuel cell: From a two-stream flow device to a single-stream lateral flow strip
  5. Comprehensive characterization and understanding of micro-fuel cells operating at high methanol concentrations
  6. Comprehensive characterization and understanding of micro-fuel cells operating at high methanol concentrations
  7. Fabrication and evaluation of a passive alkaline membrane micro direct methanol fuel cell
  8. Microfluidic fuel cells on paper
  9. Detection of bacteriophages in dynamic mode using a Love-wave immunosensor with microfluidics technology
  10. Formic acid microfluidic fuel cell evaluation in different oxidant conditions
  11. Membraneless glucose/O2 microfluidic enzymatic biofuel cell using pyrolyzed photoresist film electrodes
  12. Glucose microfluidic fuel cell based on silver bimetallic selective catalysts for on-chip applications
  13. High Aspect-Ratio, Fully Conducting Gold Micropillar Array Electrodes: Silicon Micromachining and Electrochemical Characterization
  14. Tolerant Chalcogenide Cathodes of Membraneless Micro Fuel Cells
  15. Fuel cell-powered microfluidic platform for lab-on-a-chip applications: Integration into an autonomous amperometric sensing device
  16. Fuel cell-powered microfluidic platform for lab-on-a-chip applications
  17. Fabrication of high aspect ratio nanostructures on 3D surfaces
  18. Silicon-based microfabricated microbial fuel cell toxicity sensor
  19. 3D structuring of polymer parts using thermoforming processes
  20. Towards a compact SU-8 micro-direct methanol fuel cell
  21. Influence of current collectors design on the performance of a silicon-based passive micro direct methanol fuel cell