All Stories

  1. The Wild Boar as an Anthropocene Beast. How Perceptions Shape Wildlife Management
  2. Institutional Management Competence for Addressing Illegal Wildlife Trade: Insights from Uruguay
  3. Who Owns Wildlife In Uruguay? Connections Between Game Management and Local Perspectives on Wildlife Ownership
  4. Paisajes medicinales
  5. Faunal representation: Exploring the intersection of conservation, national identity, and iconography in Uruguay
  6. Dreadful fun or environmental management? Agreements and disagreements around wild boar hunting in Uruguay
  7. Historical Evolution and Multidimensional Characterisation of the Butia Palm Landscape: A Comprehensive Conservation Approach
  8. “Keep trying and you will keep finding”: social knowledge production regarding the use of medicinal plants in rural communities from Uruguay
  9. Enredos perrunos: el perro de caza mayor en Uruguay desde diferentes colectivos sociales
  10. Encierros ganaderos en la frontera colonial de la Banda Oriental: El caso de los corrales de palmas del sureste del Uruguay
  11. Between Subsistence Hunting and Environmental Sustainability: Conservation and Social Reproduction in the Northeast of Uruguay
  12. Human-environmental relations, planning and conservation. “Doing nothing” and “doing something” in the protection of local knowledge
  13. Environmental knowledge and the definition of a community of practice. Improvisation and identity of the Butiaceros of Southern Uruguay
  14. A GIS-based assessment combined with local ecological knowledge to support the management of Juncus acutus L. spreading in the floodplain of a protected coastal lagoon
  15. Arqueología de la esclavitud africana en la frontera uruguayo-brasileña: el caso de la Estancia de los Correa (Rocha, Uruguay)
  16. Visuality, palm trees and tourism in Uruguay
  17. Tourism Development and Environmental Conservation: Tensions in the Protected Landscape of Lunarejo Valley, Uruguay
  18. Negotiating the Taskscape. Relocating Human – Environmental Relationships in Conservation Proposals around Palm Forests in Uruguay
  19. Heritagization of nature and its influence on local ecological knowledge in Uruguay
  20. Rethinking representations of the space in human-environmental relationships in Uruguay
  21. Vínculos para la gestión: dinámicas socio-institucionales y perspectivas para el manejo integrado de la pesca artesanal en Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay)
  22. La Gestión de Recursos Vegetales En Las Poblaciones Prehistóricas de Las Tierras Bajas Del Sureste Del Uruguay: Un Abordaje Multidisciplinar
  23. Perceptions and Appropriations of Discourses in the National Park Island of Ons (Galicia, Spain)